S’porean Single Mother Can’t Get Rental Flat From HDB Cuz She Earns $2K; HDB Has Responded

(Editor’s note: A previous version of this article indicated that MP Murali Pillai told Ms Koh that HDB “rules are rules”. Mr Pillai has contacted us to clarify that it wasn’t the case. You can read more below.)

Singapore has a lot of schemes in place to help lesser privileged people.

Unfortunately, no matter how good a system, there will still be cracks where people fall into.

Singaporean Single Mom Desperate For Help

On 12 Feb 2020, single mother Chanel Koh took to Facebook to air her frustrations.

She had been trying to get a rental flat from HDB but couldn’t because she was earning $2,000 a month.

In order to be able to rent a flat from HDB, one cannot exceed $1,500 in monthly income to qualify as these flats are meant to help low-income families.

She Has Trying For Years

Ms Koh has been trying to rent a 1-room flat from HDB for years.

According to her post, when she applied to HDB for the first time, her application was rejected due to her income and the convict status of her mother and brother.

Shortly after, she emailed Mr Khaw Boon Wan and PM Lee Hsien Loong but met with the same result.

Married in 2016, Then Moved Out

In 2016, Ms Koh got together with her husband.

Unfortunately, her husband allegedly abused and cheated on her.

She didn’t leave him immediately because now, instead of just herself, she has to think for her two kids too.

And finally, in Nov 2019, she gathered up the courage to leave her husband with her children.

Sorry But Rules Are Rules

At this time, she was working with Fei Yue Family Service Centre but they allegedly couldn’t offer much assistance.

They can only refer her to homes or shelters. She had approached one Murali, which is assumed to be MP Murali Pillai.

She claimed that Mr Murali replied with “HDB rules are rules”.

Mr Murali Pillai has reached out to us to clarify the matter.

He explained that when Ms Koh contacted him back in Nov 2019, he wrote an email offering to help her get help from Fei Yue’s social worker with regards to her family issues with her husband.

Unfortunately, his email to her bounced back, which was why he arranged for Fei Yue’s social worker to meet with her personally and pass on the message.

Fei Yue later got back to him and said that they have passed on the message and will take over from that point.

Kicked Out Of Rental Place, Nowhere To Go

On 11 Feb 2020, Ms Koh and her children were kicked out of the place she was renting at.

When she approached Feiyue Family Service Centre, they asked her to go to a home in Serangoon, the only place that can take them in.

So, good news, the family still has a roof over their heads.

But the situation isn’t ideal, either, as the kids are schooling at Tradehub 21 while she works at Henderson.

The Reason Why Women Fear To Leave Abusive Families

It took her years to decide if leaving an abusive marriage is worth the risk of losing a roof over her children’s head.

And even after leaving, she doubted her decision because of all the setbacks after she moved out.


She lamented that women in abusive marriages are afraid to leave because they are “weary” and “unsure”.

HDB Has Responded

Yesterday (19 Feb 2020), HDB has responded to the Facebook post.

They explained that in 2015 and 2016, Ms Koh has applied for a rental flat with her mother and brother as co-applicants.

Due to the fact that they were in jail, the mother and brother were not accepted as co-applicants.

It was added that when Ms Koh wanted to buy a flat with her mother, HDB had advised her to submit the necessary documents.


Ms Koh didn’t reply to them thereafter.

HDB is now processing the application submitted by her on 13 Feb 2020 and will notify her once an outcome is reached.

They are also “prepared” to consider her request “due to her circumstances”.

It was added that they “will continue to assess requests for rental housing from parties in financial hardship who need help to tide over a protracted or acrimonious divorce”.

No System is Perfect

We do have to understand that a perfect system doesn’t exist. And that the government is (probably) doing its best to set up systems for the needy.

But if there’s a 2020 role model award for women in abusive marriages, it’ll probably go to Ms Chanel Koh.

She’s not blaming her kids (at least not on her Facebook post ) for her troubles and didn’t stop trying to give her kids the best that she can.

Rejected by HDB once? I’ll try again.



Rejected again? Let me try again.

Told that “rules are rules”? I’ll write a heartfelt post so articulate that media outlets have to pick it up immediately.

End result: HDB processing application.

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