S’porean Student Studying In London Punched In The Face, Told Not To Bring Coronavirus Into Their Country

Like what PM Lee says, the Covid-19 coronavirus isn’t just China’s problem. It’s the entire world’s.

And with more western countries experiencing Covid-19, it’s no wonder that emotions are running high.

Singaporean Student Studying in London Punched In The Face

On 24 Feb 2020, Jonathan Mok, who has been studying in London for 2 years, was walking along Oxford Street when he came across a group of young men who were talking among themselves.

Suddenly, he heard the word “coronavirus” and turned around to look at them.

Angry, one of the men told him, “Don’t you look at me, you…” and punched him repeatedly in the face.

A group of passers-by attempted to stop the assault.

Another man added that he “doesn’t want his coronavirus in his country” and punched him as well.

The group fled from the scene before the police arrived.

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Reconstructive Surgery

When he was at the Accident and Emergency (A&E) department at the hospital, he was told that his face suffered fractures.

Image: Facebook (Jonathan Mok)

He had to undergo reconstructive surgery to fix some of the bones.

Mr Mok is currently appealing for more information on the incident.

Racist Assaults On The Rise

In his post, he added that racist assaults against Asians are “on the rise”.

He himself had experienced them as well.

After this experience, he felt that saying “racism is stupid” is too kind to racists.

Racism is hate and with the Covid-19, racists now have another excuse to exhibit racist behaviour and look like they’re in the right.

The team at Goody Feed hopes Mr Mok will have a speedy recovery and that the situation improves.

Meanwhile, Be Careful When You’re Travelling Overseas

Many people are cancelling their trips in view of the Covid-19 outbreak but if you’re one of the few who are not, be careful when travelling out there.

Because not only do you have to be worried about scams, getting robbed and getting infected, you now have to be worried about getting mobbed for Covid-19 as well.

After all, to ang mohs, all Chinese looks the same, right? Oooh, that’s a racist remark, alright.

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