S’porean Who Met Boyfriend During CB Period Fined $5,000 While BF Fined $300

If you and your significant other aren’t living in the same house at the moment, chances are you’re lonely, upset, and, ahem, frustrated.

The circuit breaker was a real test of your relationship. It either drove you apart or brought you closer together.

Sometimes, though, it brought you a little too close together.

Love In The Time Of Corona

You may remember reading about Renukha Arumugam, the 30-year-old who met her boyfriend during the circuit breaker.

She met him on two separate occasions, one on 12 April at about 3am (yes, 3am), and again on 17 April at 12.30 pm.

On 17 April, Renukha, who was drunk, had a dispute with her family members and decided to visit her boyfriend because he didn’t answer her calls, reported Yahoo News.

They met outside his block in Clementi West Street 2 because he didn’t want her coming to the house.

Neither was wearing a mask.

Image: Giphy

The woman started crying as she relayed her troubles to her boyfriend, which attracted the attention of some passersby.

Her boyfriend, who was aware of the circuit breaker rules, decided to send her back home.

While they were waiting, a police officer spotted the couple and approached them.

Renukha’s boyfriend was issued a notice of composition (probably a $300 fine) for not wearing a mask, while Renukha would later be prosecuted in court because she flouted several rules.

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Met Another Friend After Getting Caught

It’s understandable to want to see your significant other when you’re having a tough time.

One visit would have been forgivable (not by the authorities, of course).

But even after getting caught for visiting her boyfriend twice, Renukha met a male friend on 29 April to talk about her family issues and purchase snacks.

You can’t discuss family melodrama without something to munch on, right?

Image: Giphy

They bought snacks from a Giant Express near Renukha’s Jurong residence and then chatted for about one-and-a-half hours.

Later, in court, Renukha apologized and said that she would not be able to pay any heavy fines because she was unemployed.

Fined $5,000

The 30-year-old was fined $5,000 for meeting a person outside of her household for a social purpose and for failing to wear a mask over her nose and mouth.

Three charges of a similar nature were taken into consideration.

In her defence, Renukha, who didn’t have a lawyer, said that her house had burned down and that her whole family was staying with her sister.

She apologised for her offences and asked for time to pay her fine.

For each of her offences, Renukha could have been fined $10,000, jailed up to six months, or both.

A Warning to All Couples

The Covid-19 outbreak has forced many couples apart, but as with all the other measures in place, it’s only temporary.

While it can be difficult not to see your partner for such a long time, technology has made it much easier to stay connected while physically separated.

In addition to calls and texts, you could organise date nights over video calls, where you play games or watch movies while on Skype or Zoom.

Couples can certainly survive a few months apart; you just have to get a little creative. Or ask your friends in long-distance relationships what their secret is.


No matter how bad it gets though – even if you have a passionate fight about whether the last season of Game of Thrones was good – do not meet in person.

All you’ll get is a slap on the wrist and a stint a jail.

And it’s even harder to maintain a relationship behind bars.

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