S’poreans Set Up Mama Shop Right Outside NUH Where Everything Is Absolutely Free

During this critical period where most of us are hiding in the safety of our homes to avoid the COVID-19 infection, frontline workers have no choice but to continue battling against the highly contagious COVID-19, even if it means that risking their lives.

As such, many organisations have been showing their appreciation to these healthcare workers, by providing them with free food and drinks, care packages, as well as written messages from the public.

But that’s not all.

A group of Singaporeans thought that those weren’t enough to show their appreciation to the frontline workers, so they came up with another concept to do so.


The Everything Free Store

Image: Facebook (National University Hospital – NUH)

As the name suggests, it is essentially a mama shop set up outside National University Hospital (NUH) for healthcare workers to stock up on necessities for free.

Image: Facebook (National University Hospital – NUH)

The store started operations outside the hospital at around 12.30pm and since it was their lunchtime, many hospital staff members, from doctors to nurses to cleaning attendants, quickly made their way to see what it’s all about and queue for their turn to enjoy the goodies prepared for them.

As the staff members queued, volunteers from the shop could be seen handing out paper bags so that they could fill them with the things they wanted to take from the store.

At each time, only seven individuals were allowed to shop, presumably to maintain order in the small little store and ensure that everyone had a fair chance of getting the things they wanted.

Products Available

According to MustShareNews, a lot of the products were provided by Giant, Cold Storage, and Guardian.

Image: Facebook (National University Hospital – NUH)

They were mostly health products and daily essentials, and this included New Moon’s Essence of Chicken and Pei Pa Koa, as well as items that helped to relieve pains and aches from working long hours, like Tiger Balm and Salonpas patches.

Other companies like Oticon, a hearing aid supplier, and Kenzone also contributed to this store, with the former making cash donations to purchase the products and the latter helping out logistically.

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Can you believe that this store actually provided all NUH staff with about $30,000 worth of necessities?

NUH Staff Responds

Needless to say, NUH was very thankful that many people were showing their appreciation towards them.

It’s about time people showed some appreciation instead of bashing these healthcare workers and saying that they carry the COVID-19 infection so they should stay away from public areas. So rude.

Image: Facebook (National University Hospital – NUH)

The store set up by volunteers clearly left all NUH staff members in high spirits after they’ve each gotten their bag of free necessities.

Image: Facebook (National University Hospital – NUH)
Image: Facebook (National University Hospital – NUH)

It is so heartwarming to see everyone rallying together to show the healthcare workers that they are not in this fight alone and that we’re supporting them from behind all the way in this battle against COVID-19.

Rallying Together

Just like what Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen said on 14 February, “We must never let these Drums – distortions, rumours, untruths, misinformation and smears – be heard lest they sow discord, divide our people and ultimately weaken our will to defeat the outbreak and defend Singapore.”

He then reminded all Singaporeans to follow Singapore’s Total Defence principles to rally together and through this, we will hopefully stay united and overcome the COVID-19 outbreak just like how we “overcame the Sars crisis to emerge intact and stronger”.

So yes, instead of shunning all these healthcare workers on buses and trains, show your appreciation for them for their hard work. They have really done a lot to ensure that the rest of us don’t get infected with COVID-19.

Let’s continue staying united and helping out one another. Even though it’s tough, we can and will overcome this!

Image: Giphy

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