Yesterday, Starhub experienced a massive downtime for their home broadband services.
And if you were to go to, you’ll see tons of unhappy Starhub customers panicking online.

Yup, they were mad.
Then, ‘Starhub’ Seemingly Started Replying To Comments On

Seems like things are so bad customer service officers have no choice but to pacify people everywhere, huh?
And for a while, it seems like Starhub CSO’s are hard at work.

The advice provided by the account was also in line with the government’s guideline.

And people started thinking that Starhub was really replying to comments there.

And things seemed pretty peaceful for a while.
Until ‘Starhub’ Started Insulting Netizens
Here’s how it started. A netizen started off his comment by calling ‘Starhub’ staff a ‘bunch of dogs’.

When asked for elaboration, the netizen proceeded to insult Starhub even more in his frustration.
And ‘Starhub’ fired back.

Here’s the salvo of exchanges in case you can’t read it:
Starhub Official: Oh wait, Ronnie. You do have a dog in your house. The dog is you – Dennis
Netizen: Well done, thanks for your reply. Be prepared to lose your job. Screenshotted and I’m about to make you famous.
Starhub Official: Dear Ronnie, we sincerely apologise for the unprofessional behaviour, which goes entirely against our company philosophy. Dennis has been reprimanded and we assure you that this will not happen again. – Jackson
Starhub Official: Didn’t know dogs could be influencer – Dennis
Netizen: Said the f88king retard, working minimum wage, slinging insults on the internet. Keep it up loser
Starhub Official: <netizen name>, do you have a dog in your house? If so, you would know better than to insult my staff with such a good creature – Dennis

P/S: It’s also nice to see that people working in customer service positions are supposed to take insults lying down because “it’s their job”, according to the netizen.
Starhub also promises there’s some sort of ‘compensation scheme’ in the works.

Which, if you hadn’t known, isn’t the usual style of telcos in Singapore.
People’s usernames were made fun of too.

Turns Out, It’s A Troll Account
Unlike the netizen who took things at face value and promise to make the Starhub CSO “famous”, some netizens smelled something weird and went to take a closer look at Starhub’s ‘official’ account.
And it turns out that the account was made by a troll on 15 Apr 2020.

And it has gotten more than a few people.

Yo mad, bruh?

But hey, moral of the story? Never believe everything you read on the internet, tick or no tick.