As your dusty passports will probably tell you before they slowly wither and die, travelling is out of the question at the moment.
Thanks to the coronavirus, countries all over the globe have shut their borders to visitors, fearful of imported infections spilling into the community.
As a result, most of us have to put our holiday plans on hold.
So, for instance, if you wanted to visit the Steamboat Geyser in the US, you’d have to wait for a bit.

Impatient? Well, Singapore has slightly smaller version under an HDB block in Commonwealth.
Storm Drain at Commonwealth Turned into ‘Steam Geyser’ During Heavy Downpours
A video of water spurting out of a storm drain at an HDB block along Tanglin Halt Road is amusing residents online.
The video was shared by a resident of the block in a Reddit post on Thursday (15 Apr).
In the short, 4-second video, water shoots violently out of a storm drain, soaking everything around it.

According to the resident, the odd sight was recorded during a heavy downpour.
By the looks of it, the gushing water reaches a height of around 2.5 m, and would likely have drenched the ceiling if there was one.
What’s stranger is that this has apparently been happening for over a decade.
Resident: This Has Been Happening For 14 Years
One of the commenters in the Reddit post said he’s also a resident of the block. He added that this isn’t an unusual occurrence, as he’s seen it happen before.
In fact, it’s supposedly been happening for the last 14 years, every time there’s a heavy downpour.
Several other netizens confirmed this, saying they’ve seen this happen repeatedly over the years.
Our Very Own Yellowstone Steamboat Geyser
One netizen noted its similarity to the Steamboat Geyser in the US, joking that there’s no need to travel there since we already have one of our own here.

Others joked that you could bring your kids there to play in it, just like the spurting fountains you see outside shopping malls.
Wet Weather Expected Over Next Few Days
Typically, April is one of the warmest months of the year.
However, thundery showers and lightning have been observed in the first half of the month. And according to the weather forecast, this will likely continue for at least the next week.
While that does mean perfect napping weather, you might have to cancel picnic plans with your bae.
Featured Image: Reddit