Students Need Not Go School 1 Day a Week from April; Parents Can Still Send Kids to School If Needed

If you’re a parent and is panicky after reading the headline, you’re lying because you’ve not read the full headline, so just read the next line and continue with your life:

Schools are still open.

Lest you’re still not aware, one of the reasons why schools aren’t closed is that when schools close, kids might anyhowly go elsewhere and contract the virus.

So, to prepare for a school closure in case it really has to be done, MOE is now doing something known as “blended learning model”.

Simply put, it’s a fancy name to “support further safe distancing”.

Schools will now allocate a day a week for e-learning, which they’ve called it Home-Based Learning (HBL).

Home-Based Learning: To Prepare For Shutdown?

This will be implemented in all primary schools, secondary schools and Junior College / Centralised Institute.

For primary school students, the HBL day would be on Wednesdays. For secondary school students, the HBL day would be on Thursdays while for JC and Centralised Institute, it would be on Fridays.

So parents, remember to take leave on the correct day hor and don’t gong gong just take leave on the same day as your colleague.

This will begin from April 2020, which means on April Fools’ Day, primary school kids can’t play pranks on their friends anymore.

Which they really shouldn’t do so during this period, but I digress.

However, what if you’re a parent and you can’t take leave, and letting your kid rot at home is never an option?

No worries; the authorities have thought of that, too.

Schools Are Still Open

Schools would remain open and a small group of teachers who’re arrowed would still be in the school to supervise them. However, priority would be given to parents who work in essential services like healthcare.

So, does this mean a school shutdown might eventually occur? After all, universities like SIM have already moved on to full e-learning during this outbreak period.

Well, it’s been mentioned that no possibilities have been ruled out—for all you know, Neo might finally shut down the system and we’d all wake up from the Matrix.

So don’t second guess and just eat your mee goring at home.

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