
Let’s call a spade a spade: the Wuhan virus has definitely brought in tons of inconveniences to us.

It’s human nature to be a tad frustrated, but despite everything, we’d still be socially responsible and not be like this Taiwanese who hid his symptoms and even went to a nightclub.

And so you thought people are mostly responsible, right?

Well, yes.

Then there are some who aren’t, and airport officials in Taiwan show why these people deserve to be on the wall of shame.

Taiwan Airport Staff Claim Some China Tourists Not Cooperative & Even Purposely Coughed at Them

Before reading on, let’s bring out the WTF cat and hope that it’s not been eaten by these irresponsible people:


Okay, moving on.

According to TVBS News, people were generally cooperative at the screening station in a Taiwan airport. One of them even openly said he’s been to Wuhan twelve days ago, and went on to be monitored further.

But some weren’t that goody.

It got so bad that the airport officials decided to do something about it.

In a letter sent to their head, airport officials claim that some people were obviously coughing but in their questionnaire, they just anyhowly write that they were fine.

According to the letter, a Chengdu tourist even purposely coughed at an officer’s face. The officer then asked the tourist if he was feeling unwell, but the tourist simply laughed it off and said he was fine.

That made the officer “火大” (extremely angry).

Technically speaking, that tourist would have jailed up to three years.

And the officers were so 火 that they pasted a notice beside the generic Wuhan virus notice, and indicated clearly that “this is not a game” in a big, red font.

Image: YouTube (TVBS NEWS)

I don’t know what’s going on in those uncooperative tourists’ mind.

Reader Bao: Wait, their mind got thing one?

Good point.

You can watch the news report below, though do note that it’s reported in Mandarin, and there’s no footage of the coughing.

Taiwan Partially Bans China Travellers

Since two days ago, Taiwan has further tightened restrictions from China travellers: tour groups from China can no longer visit Taiwan and all people from Hubei is temporarily banned.

At this moment, only certain people from China can enter Taiwan, like business travellers or people married to a Taiwanese (i.e. family members).

As of today (28 January 2020) morning, the number of confirmed cases in Taiwan stands at five.

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