Taiwanese Singer-Host Makiyo Announces Divorce After a Year of Marriage

Some marriages last forever, while some only take a year to fall apart.

Taiwanese singer-host Makiyo Kawashima, known as Makiyo, announced her divorce on 15 July.

Her marriage to her former lover, only known as Mr Chin, lasted for a little over a year.

Announced Divorce Publicly Via Facebook

The 39-year-old announced the news via a Facebook post.

She wrote, “Due to factors such as failing to get along and personality differences, Makiyo and Mr Chin completed their divorce on 14 July, with both sides reaching an agreement on the child’s custody rights and related obligations.

“We will give our blessings to each other in the future, and Makiyo will work hard to support our son.”

On 19 May 2022, Makiyo announced her plans to register her marriage with Mr Chin the next day, on 20 May.

If you weren’t aware, 20 May is also known as 520 Day, where “520” means “I love you” in Chinese slang.

She also posted videos of the couple registering their marriage.

One post even depicts the couple posing together happily after registering their marriage.

Her fans were surprised by the decision as Mr Chin was not only three years her junior but a shareholder in medical aesthetic clinics.

She also announced that she was more than four months pregnant.

In an interview with Taiwanese news portal SET News, Makiyo said she had known Mr Chin for over a year.

Apparently, the couple started dating in December 2021, and she discovered the pregnancy three months later.

Who is Makiyo?

Makiyo rose to fame after appearing in a mobile phone advertisement in 2000.

She received her first album that same year.

One of her songs, Take Care Of Me For Life, became the theme song of the popular school drama series Spicy Teacher.

She continued to rise in prominence as she released more albums.

Makiyo also started hosting variety shows and acting in dramas like Summer’s Desire.

Rocky Marriage

On 30 October, Makiyo announced that she had given birth to a son.

However, the joy of birth was short-lived.

Five days later, on 4 November, Makiyo did a two-hour Facebook live criticising her husband.

She accused him of several “crimes”, including smoking, playing with his phone at the confinement centre, adding ice to her drinks and eating her meals to save money.

Allegedly, he could not wake up when Makiyo asked him to call the nurse for painkillers.

Furthermore, she complained that her husband would change their newborn son’s diapers under the air-conditioner.

She also alleged that he told her to drink 3.5 litres of water a day after a caesarean section to lose the weight she gained during pregnancy.

Makiyo was reported saying, “This angered me so much that my blood pressure went up to 160 bpm.”

She also accused her husband of being superficial.

She added that the pair were stuck in a cold war and that being with her husband was like “living in hell”.

Who Was in the Wrong?

Mr Chin posted a suspicious Instagram story one day prior, on 3 November.

Image: Instagram (@Xiaojin)

Accompanied by a photo of Makiyo resting, he revealed that Makiyo was displaying several symptoms after giving birth.

Notably, he focused on the bad temper she developed after delivery.

At the end of the story’s caption, he assured everyone that he still loved her.

However, on her Facebook Live, Makiyo alleged that her husband packed his bags and left the confinement centre the day he posted the Instagram story.

Makiyo’s agency clarified with Chinese media that Makiyo had requested him to leave.

The agency said he returned later that day in tears, asking her if he could stay.

Makiyo’s manager noted that this wasn’t the couple’s first fight and that they would eventually make up.

In July 2022, Makiyo was spotted by Taiwan’s Apple Daily smoking in public despite her pregnancy.

Her reputation also took a dip in 2012 when she and her Japanese friend, Takateru Tomoyuri, were charged with assaulting a 55-year-old Taiwanese taxi driver.

The pair were given suspended jail sentences and supervised probation for assaulting the driver.

They were drunk and allegedly kicked and hit him.

The taxi driver sustained severe injuries and was hospitalised.

After the incident, Makiyo vowed to quit drinking.

However, two years later, in 2014, Apple Daily reported that she was spotted being drunk at a wedding ceremony.

It was reported that a friend had to escort her to a taxi and help her fasten the seatbelt.

When asked to comment, Makiuo said, “I started to drink when I celebrated my mum’s birthday in March this year. I can control my alcohol better now, but it’s because I can’t hold my liquor as well as before.

“I got drunk after drinking just three glasses of red wine. As it was a friend’s wedding yesterday, I was very happy and drank a little.”

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