Teen Who Predicted COVID-19 Correctly Now Predicts That The Outbreak Will End on End May

Remember Paul the Octopus?

Image: The Daily Beast

This little sea creature accurately predicted the outcomes of 12 out of 14 games in the 2010 World Cup, and people lost their minds.

Wah, if only I had an octopus to choose my 4D numbers.

But what about predicting a devastating pandemic 4 months before it happens?

Teen Who Predicted COVID-19 Correctly Now Predicts That The Outbreak Will End on End May

That’s exactly what one teen from India seemingly did.

In a video posted on 22 August 2019, 14-year-old Abhigya Anand accurately predicted what we know now to be the Covid-19 outbreak.

The video, aptly titled  ‘SEVERE DANGER TO THE WORLD FROM NOV 2019 TO APRIL 2020’, has over 3 million views at the time of writing.

In his video, the teenager makes several interesting predictions.

1) That there would be a “widespread disease across the world”.

2) That “China would be badly affected”, even though he didn’t make specific references to the virus.

3) That “rich countries will be… severely affected” economically.

He also says that this period of “war” and “tension” will be from 4th November 2019 to the end of April 2020.


Abhigya claims to have made these predictions using Astrology, a pseudoscience that claims to divine information about human affairs by studying the movements and relative positions of celestial objects.

I’ve never studied astrology, but I’m guessing it’s something like if Saturn moves 1 cm to the left in the morning a pigeon will poop on your head the next day.

Abhigya predicted these “global tensions” based on planetary alignments and an unlucky lunar eclipse.

Things will be fine and dandy on 29th May 2020

Don’t worry though, because in a new video posted on 26 March, Abhigya predicts that the planetary axis will be broken on 29th May, bringing back order to the world.

Does this mean that the coronavirus will end? Well, much like most astrology, it’s left to our interpretation.

You must be pretty impressed, right? This boy predicted the coronavirus!

Well, many netizens felt the same way.

Netizen response

Image: YouTube
Image: YouTube
Image: YouTube

But did he really predict the pandemic? Here’s why I’m skeptical.


For one, when he predicted widespread disease, he said there will be widespread disease “across the world”, then added if not across the world, then only India will be badly affected.

That’s like saying “I predict it will rain tomorrow, and if not, it will be sunny.”

Also, India isn’t badly affected. While it has 2543 cases, it is quite low down the list of coronavirus infections.

And when he said China would be “badly affected” he seemed to be referring to some vague “tension” and not the “widespread disease” he first mentioned.

Most importantly, when he gave the dates 4th November 2019 to end-April 2020, he was referring to “major tension” in Afghanistan, not Covid-19.

So, he wasn’t specifically referring to the Covid-19 pandemic, and even if he was mentioning it in reference to Afghanistan, it would have been inaccurate as the country only has 273 cases.


Only time will tell

There’s one very simple way to tell if this teenager is right or wrong, however. If the pandemic magically ends on 29th May (again, he didn’t specifically predict the end of Covid-19, just that the global order will be brought back), then he’ll be right.

But if it doesn’t, like I suspect it won’t, then he’s wrong.

This kid is clearly intelligent for his age and you can’t knock his cool haircut, but only time will tell if these predictions are accurate.

Image: YouTube

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