Teenager Molested 3 Women Within Hours; All 3 Victims Between 49 to 79 Years Old

Most people have sexual urges, and there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s just how we are wired as humans. It’s perfectly normal.

But how you take care of your urges is a whole other different thing. And what you do will, in turn, determine whether you’re just like the majority of people, or one of the bad few who has to be hauled off to prison to serve time.

Unfortunately, 17-year-old Malaysian Khamalhan Kavnor Subramaniam belongs to the latter group.

The Molestation Spree

On 16 December at around 6pm, he spotted a 79-year-old woman squatting along the corridors on the eighth floor of one of the housing blocks in Whampoa West.

Tempted by this sight, he allegedly walked towards her and touched her private parts before leaving.

After a while, he spotted another victim, this time a 49-year-old lady. They were in a lift at another block of flats along Bendemeer Road when he allegedly groped her on her butt.

Image: Giphy

Still not satisfied, he fled to an adjacent block of flats and grabbed the chest of a 73-year-old woman at around 10pm.

Image: Giphy

So three molestation cases happened within a span of four hours.

Image: Giphy


The three victims probably made a police report after the individual incidents and Khamalhan eventually got arrested on 19 December and was made to attend court on 24 December.

He has been charged with molesting three women on 16 December and his next hearing is scheduled to be on 7 January.

If he is convicted of his charges, he could be jailed a maximum of two years and fined or caned for each charge.

See, there are many different ways to attend to your urges. Outraging the modesty of others is clearly not one such way. The trauma that all these victims have to go through because of certain people’s actions can affect them for life so please, before you do anything, think through the consequences first.

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