Telegram Released Some New Cool Features on the Last Day of 2021

Telegram is known for many things: some said it is known for hosting SG Nasi Lemak type of channels while others said it’s a great way to earn some side income.

However, there is one thing we can’t deny about it: it is constantly updating us with cool new animated emojis.

Telegram Released Some New Cool Features on the Last Day of 2021

In Telegram’s 12th update for 2021, they introduced various functions like reactions, message translation and more. One of these functions even reminds you of the movies: spoilers. 

Hidden Text – Spoilers

Just like Reddit, you now have a function to hide your messages with an easy to use censorship bar. To use it, all you have to do is to select any part of your text and choose the “spoiler” formatting. That will automatically turn your selected text into a bunch of small worms.

To see the spoiler, tap on the line of tiny worms and you’ll be spoilt.

The message will also be censored in your chat list and notifications.


In a group chat, you will talk about various topics but what if you only want to react to that one particular message without replying to it? You can do so now with reactions. Reactions allow people to react to all messages regardless of 1-on-1 chat or group chat.

In order for you to use reactions in group chat, the admin of the group should head to the group’s settings and enable reactions first. Admins can also choose which emoji may be used in their chat.

Currently, there are 11 emojis available as reactions:

  • Thumbs Up
  • Thumbs Down
  • Red Heart
  • Fire
  • Party Popper
  • Star-Struck
  • Screaming Face
  • Beaming Face
  • Crying Face
  • Pile of Poo
  • Face Vomiting

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Message Translation

With half a billion people around the world using Telegram, you would expect there to be some sort of communication issue, right? With the new message translation app, there wouldn’t be since you would be able to translate any message into another language.

All you have to do is set up message translation in the settings and turn it on for it to work.

This function works in any channel and is available on all Android devices that support Telegram. For Apple devices, a requirement of iOS 15+ is needed.

Themed QR Code

Now, you can generate QR codes for any user who has a public username. Additionally, this QR code is not the usual QR code; instead, it is a themed QR code where you can choose the colours and pattern that fit your user best.

After choosing, you can choose to print your QR code or share it digitally. Currently, you can choose from ten themes.

This function is available for groups, channels and bots as well.

New Menus for macOS

If you are a macOS user, you can check out Telegram’s newly redesigned menu and new animated icons for every single menu item in the app.

Additionally, there will also be shortcut hints as well.

More Interactive Emojis

Previously, Telegram has already introduced various interactive emojis like the heart, pumpkin and more. This time, they added more interactive emojis such as:

  • Screaming Face
  • Fire
  • Star-Struck
  • Beaming Face
  • Crying Face
  • Snowflake
  • Loudly Crying Face

Well, let’s just say that WhatsApp might want to up their game now.

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Featured Image: Allmy /

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