The Origins of the Douyin Frog & Mixue Mascot (Snow King)

By now, you should be well-acquainted with Singapore’s two trending mascots: the Mixue “Snow King” mascot and the Douyin frog. These characters serve different purposes. While the Snow King promotes the Mixue brand, the role of the Douyin frog may not be as clear.

The Douyin Frog, although seemingly hilarious, actually carries a deep and profound message for our society.

Known for its viral appeal, this frog has garnered significant attention.

Here’s what you need to know about the Douyin frog.

Before The Douyin Frog…You Need to Know the History of the Mixue Mascot

Before diving into the world of Douyin frog videos, let’s touch upon Mixue and its mascot, Snow King.

Mixue, a Chinese bubble tea brand, emerged from a small stall in 1997. Known for selling affordable bubble tea and ice cream, Mixue’s growth was initially slow. But in 2019, the brand discovered the power of viral content and released a song that quickly gained popularity.

Suffice it to say, it sparked a social media frenzy similar to the popular “Baby Shark” song.

Capitalizing on this success, Mixue started launching marketing campaigns involving viral footage of their mascot performing eccentric activities in large crowds.

The Mystery and Origin of the Douyin Frog

Now, let’s address the Douyin frog, a captivating and intriguing figure in online viral content. The creator of the Douyin frog remains unknown, but there are several theories.

Mascots behaving eccentrically are not unusual in China, contributing significantly to the initial popularity of platforms like TikTok and Douyin.

Users would upload videos of mascots engaging in comedic antics.

The Douyin frog, holding several small frog balloons and saluting in a flamboyant fashion, was one such video that gained traction. This character doesn’t belong to any specific brand, so it’s plausible that it was created merely for amusement.

The Douyin Frog’s Global Journey

It’s still unknown who started the trend, but the Douyin frog’s unique saluting gesture quickly spread, with people recreating the move to gain views on Douyin and TikTok.

Yes, it was basically used for views.

When the trend reached Singapore and intersected with the Mixue mascot, it was no surprise. It mirrored patterns seen in other countries, where gaining views was a common goal.


Societal Conversation and Douyin Frog

Unlike Singapore, some Douyin frogs in China apparently sold the little frog balloons as part of their act, leading to speculations that this could be the character’s origin. That isn’t confirmed, but what’s next is: A recent viral video from China depicted an enforcement officer ordering a Douyin frog to remove his costume, leading to a hoo-ha online.

This incident sparked a conversation about the challenges faced by people portraying these characters, trying to make a living through this form of street performance.

It also raised important questions about where we draw the line between entertainment and disturbance in public spaces.

Some find it amusing, while others view it as disruptive. This raises broader societal questions: When does a street joke cross the line and become offensive?

Now, this means the Douyin frog and the Mixue mascot represent more than mere viral content: They serve as tools to provoke thought about societal norms, entertainment, and the marketing prowess of social media.

Their popularity shows how humour and intrigue can provoke larger conversations. It’s a testament to the power of virality, and the ability of seemingly simple elements like the Douyin frog videos to stir significant discussions.

So, the next time you see a Douyin frog video or spot the Mixue mascot, remember the deeper narrative they hold.

And who knows, you may even find yourself considering the invisible societal boundaries these characters push.

Too deep?

Then just laugh when you see them.

In the meantime, you can watch this video to know more about this phenomenon:

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