There’s a Doctored Image of PAP Sengkang Community Spreading Fake News on Facebook

Fake News Alert: Doctored Image Targets PAP Sengkang Community on Social Media

In the wake of the recent Deepfake video featuring Prime Minister Lee promoting investment scams, a new form of deception has emerged.

The question that arises is, what are the motivations behind these scams?

Dr Lam Pin Min, the grassroots advisor for Sengkang, took to Facebook to address a concerning issue.

Doctored posts falsely attributed to the People’s Action Party (PAP) Sengkang Community have been making the rounds on the internet.

These fraudulent posts openly criticise the alleged mismanagement of the current town council, resulting in a decline in the estate’s condition.

To lend an air of credibility, the fake posts even include a graph and statistics, seemingly depicting funding allocations to various grassroots organizations (GROs).

However, there are glaring disparities between the counterfeit and genuine posts shared by the PAP Sengkang Community.

Obvious Differences Between Fake and Real Posts

As Dr Lam has astutely pointed out, several telltale signs distinguish the counterfeit from the authentic.

Unlike the legitimate account, the alignment of the account name and the profile picture is different.

Moreover, the shared post lacks a date stamp, a basic element of authenticity.

It’s evident that the perpetrators of this deception could have put in more effort to make their hoax convincing.

Furthermore, the notion that a graph or table displaying funding allocations to GROs would be publicly posted in such a manner is dubious, as such information is typically considered confidential.

Additionally, the tone and content of the fake post sharply contrast with the usual messages shared by the PAP Sengkang Community.

The motive behind these fabricated posts appears to be an attempt to tarnish the reputation of the newly formed PAP Sengkang Community and undermine its growing influence.

The fake post has circulated complaints about alleged misappropriation of funds intended for Sengkang.

However, it’s essential to remember that falsehoods are just that—false.

Dr Lam has clarified in his Facebook post that many residents have expressed concerns to the PAP Sengkang Community regarding the cleanliness and maintenance of the estate.

Nevertheless, the claim that the town council has been “robbed” of funding for estate upkeep, as suggested by these fabricated posts, is entirely untrue.

In an era rife with scams, especially those impersonating legitimate government entities, the ability to discern between genuine and fake information is crucial.

We now know how to distinguish authentic videos from deepfakes. Dr. Lam has provided a straightforward method to verify the legitimacy of content from the PAP Sengkang Community—cross-reference it with the official page.

In this age of information proliferation, critical thinking and vigilance are our best defenses against misinformation and deception.

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