With the circuit breaker coming into play from 7 Apr onwards, lesser people are going to be out on the streets of Singapore.
And with that, transport companies are also stopping some bus services for this period from 8 Apr to 4 May 2020.
Don’t worry, all of the services stopped serves the city area, which makes sense given that most of the offices in the area will be closed throughout this period.
Normal bus services are expected to go on.
SBS Transit
For SBS transit, most of the services stopped will be express services, city direct services and Nite Owl services.
Here they are:

Similarly, SMRT is also stopping its night services, city direct and express buses:

Tower Transit
Tower Transit is stopping 4 bus services as well.
One express bus service and three other city direct buses.

Go-Ahead Singapore

All of the bus services stopped serves the central business area.
So If You Have To Continue Working During This Period
And you work in the city area, make sure to leave your house earlier because, without the city direct buses, you’ll probably have to make your way to the nearest MRT station and take the train to work.
Just like back in the early 2000s.
Just make sure to treat everyone as though they’re the enemy and maintain safe distancing measures even when taking public transport.
Companies were also encouraged to stagger the work hours of their employees so that they can avoid taking public transport during peak hours.
Of course, our vaunted transport minister also had some advice for commuters who still have to travel to work:
Stop talking and keep quiet during the journey.
You can find out more here.
You can do your part as a responsible citizen through helping out in contact tracing by downloading the TraceTogether app.
In the meantime, keep yourself updated by bookmarking MOH’s website here and registering for the Gov.sg’s WhatsApp service here.