Tip On How To Avoid Influenza From MOH is Actually A Scam

Have a sore throat? Go online and research it and the internet will probably tell you that you might have cancer or some other godforsaken disease.

Most of the time, none of the ‘diagnosis’ the internet provides you with are true, they’re just worst-case scenarios.

The only truth is that the internet isn’t always the best place to go for medical advice, especially when they’re from unreputable or worse, fake sources:

Tip On How To Avoid Influenza From MOH is Actually A Scam

An ‘advice’ claiming to be from the Ministry of Health (MOH) has been floating around the internet and social media platforms like WhatsApp.

It advises people who are none the wiser on how to protect themselves against influenza.

The piece of genius advice claims that “the influenza this time is serious” and advises people to constantly sip water as “once your membrane in your throat is dried, the virus will invade into your body within 10 mins”.

It also says, “Till end of March, do not go to crowded places, wear mask as needed especially in train or public transportation.”

Image: mrwgifs.com

Whoa, what kinda superbug is this?

MOH: There’s No Truth To This

MOH has stepped up to clarify that there is in fact no truth to this claim.

Let’s be realistic here. MOH clarifies that “Keeping one’s throat moist does not prevent influenza.”

The false message has been widely circulated on WhatsApp as well as other social media platforms, claiming to be a notice to the public by MOH.

It also scares people into believing that the current outbreak is serious.

Just look at this particular sentence in the message: “Till end of March, do not go to crowded places, wear mask as needed especially in train or public transportation.”

That poor English should give readers a clue that this message is not legitimate.

The Truth About The Flu

MOH has also clarified that the flu is spread mainly by droplets through an infected person coughing or sneezing.

It is also more prevalent from May to June and November to January.

“It is therefore common to see an increase in influenza activity during these months, and we have seen an increase in influenza activity in the past four weeks.”

You can protect yourself against the spread of flu by washing your hands with soap before eating and after going to the toilet.

You should also cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, and dispose of the tissue immediately.

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