For ages, motivational videos have paved the way.
Motivation for getting into the gym.
Drinking more water.
Getting over a bad breakup.
Showering at least once every week.
You get the idea. Motivation. An aspect that drives people through the hardest parts of their lives. Truly, what could I ever do without it?

And so, I thought it only appropriate that there’s an entire motivational list for you to get through the whole ‘festive CNY period’. After all, the Chinese New Year period is one that’s fraught with equal amounts of rewards and humiliation.
“Why haven’t marry? Why haven’t graduate? Why haven’t give birth? Why haven’t eat bakkwa? Why you so old? Why you so young? Why you never reply?”
Yeah, ang baos aren’t really worth that constant barrage of question bullets.
And so, without further ado, here’s a list of CNY Youtube videos to get you into the mood once again, as you prepare to face off against your many nosy Uncles and Aunties in this edition of…
CNY: Talk Cock Battle 2020.
Top CNY Youtube Videos To Re-watch To Get Into The CNY Mood
Every year, we get a steady slew of Chinese New Year videos to round up the festive spirits. And because there were so many awesome entries in 2019, we felt it only appropriate to dish out a list of the best ones out there, just so that you can have some quality CNY rewind time.
Just kidding, it’s just to prep you through the harsh terrains that are better broken down into the term ‘CNY house visiting’.
1. ‘From Ma, With Love’
This Singtel advertisement has garnered over 10 million views on Youtube, and for good reason too. With a solid premise that ties in with emotional familial ties, ‘From Ma, With Love’ is one of those advertisements that you’re free to skip but choose not to.
Note: Prep some tissues because you might get a little blurry-eyed late in.
2. ‘Daikin CNY 2019: Forget Me Not’
Before you berate me for introducing another classic tearjerker, just know that the festive CNY period’s one fraught with happiness, joy and a lot of salty tears. So honestly speaking, I’m just preparing you for those bumpy roads ahead.
Alright just kidding, I had no such intention in mind.
While Daikin’s CNY commercial might not hold a candle to Singtel’s effort in terms of popularity, the former does succeed in creating an exemplary warm and touching advertisement.
And again, some tissues might come in handy.
3. Digi CNY 2019 – Grandfather Stories
Digi may be primarily known as an easy-to-access telco when you’re across the Causeway, but it seems that their film-making skills might’ve been criminally underrated. With over 2.8 million views on Youtube, their CNY advert ‘Grandfather Stories’ has done the impossible, making a routine CNY concept an unbelievably fresh one with hot tears to boot.
Great work, Digi. We’re keeping our eyes peeled for your next effort!
4. F&N Chinese New Year 2019
Time changes, but the taste of love will never change. They might’ve been simple words, but F&N has somehow weaved them into a tale that’s immeasurably nostalgic and beautiful.
Our favourite diabetic drink, people. It could apparently do a teary number on us too.
5. Mr Lim’s Reunion Dinner
Singtel might boast less-than-impressive Wi-Fi signals that falter as soon as they hit an opposing wall, but I gotta say;
They’ve got a thing for ad classics.
Witness this heartbreaking tale of a father’s attempt at a reunion dinner, though be warned:
Tears might come free flow.
For more choice selections, you can check out the following links:
The verdict on the Chinese New Year ads of 2019: ‘Why is fun such a rare commodity?’
As well as here.
And with that in mind, happy Chinese New Year in advance!