Trainer in Video Hitting Dog, K9 Connection, Has been Suspended; Not the First Complaint Made About Centre

Last week, everyone might’ve been hating on a certain woman due to a viral video, CSI-ing her until she did not dare to leave her house for days…solely because her face was plastered everywhere.

You can watch this video to know why everyone’s hating on her:

YouTube video

This week, however, another video went viral:

It shows a trainer abusing a dog, hitting it with a bowl, and challenging the dog. His face wasn’t in frame so no one knew who he is.

The video, posted on 13 July by animal welfare group Chained Dog Awareness in Singapore in their Facebook Page on Wednesday, has since garnered over 1.4k shares.

Their initial goal was then to look for the perpetrator so that the dog owner would know that the dog is being abused.

With it going viral, they got more than that.

Trainer in Video Hitting Dog, K9 Connection, Has been Suspended; Not the First Complaint Made About Centre

Based on the timestamp, it appears that it happened in March this year.

Yesterday (14 July), SPCA Singapore appealed to the public for more information about the man.

The Animal and Veterinary Service (AVS) has since found the identity of the man, and is now investigating the incident.

According to AVS, the incident did happen on 20 March 2022, and it occurred at dog training and daycare centre K9 Connection.

It turns out that the company has been suspended from AVS’ list of accredited dog trainers since 25 March 2022.

AVS added that it does not condone the mistreatment of community animals and warned that first-time offenders caught abusing an animal may be charged under the Animals and Birds Act.

If found guilty, they may be fined up to S$15,000 or jailed up to 18 months, or both.

K9 Connection Has Received Complaints Before

According to the executive director of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), Ms Aarthi Sankar, SPCA has been alerted to a few instances of rough handling of animals by K9 Connection this year and that these cases have been escalated to the authorities.

The company has an average of 1.4 star rating on Google (though many bad reviews were just written in the last 24 hours due to the incident), and it appears that the owner is pretty aggressive online, too:

Image: Google

In addition, their Facebook Page has been removed or deleted.

Featured Image: Facebook (Chained Dog Awareness in Singapore) & Google Maps

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