Trump Said He Was Being Sarcastic When He Suggested Cleaning Lungs with Disinfectants

When your colleague says something scientifically wrong like the human body only has a certain amount of energy to expend over one’s life, like a battery, you’d know that he’s joking.

Then, another time, he might have suggested that you can clean your lungs of COVID-19 with disinfectants, and you both just laughed at how ridiculous this sounds.

Image: Giphy

Except, when a person who actually said that is actually the President of the United States, and in a press conference without clarification… We’re all not laughing anymore.

The battery thing is something Trump actually said.

And so was the disinfectant thing.

Reality is stranger than fiction, as they say. A The Onion (a satire website) article predicted this on 25 March 2020. Trump’s bleach suggestion was on 24 April 2020.

It’s disproven by medical experts, obviously.

Now Trump Says He’s Being Sarcastic

A reporter later questioned him on the disinfectant comments in the White House, and Trump then said that he was asking the question “sarcastically to reporters like you, just to see what would happen”.

Ah yes, the “it was all a prank bro” defense.

Image: Know Your Meme

I remember a time when I walked into the wrong movie theatre. I was expecting to watch a comedy, but being the dumbass I was, I didn’t realise I was in the wrong theatre until the jumpscare horrors happened.

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This was basically what happened to the journalists. They walked into a press conference but got a stand-up comedy.

Needless to say, the media went apeshit and spammed articles telling people not to drink bleach. Just in case, you know, that someone out there really believed him.

Just a Marketing Scheme…?

Now a lot of people are talking about disinfectants and bleach, whether they believe Trump’s words or not.

So you can see how effective this 1 minute of talking cock is in terms of marketing.

We don’t have any evidence of it being a marketing ploy to promote bleach and disinfectant products, but The Guardian reports that the leader of a group selling bleach as a coronavirus cure had written to Trump just this week.

Mark Grenon is the “archbishop” of Genesis II, which is the largest producer and distributor of chlorine dioxide bleach as a miracle cure in the United States. Genesis II also claims to be a church. He claims that MMS (miracle mineral solution) can cure 99% of all illnesses including cancer, malaria, HIV/Aids and autism.

At the start of the pandemic, he added coronavirus to that list and advises users to mix three to six drops of bleach in water and drink it.

Then a few days later, we have Trump with the disinfectant statements. Grenon then went on Facebook to write, “Trump has got the MMS and all the info!!! Things are happening folks! Lord help others to see the Truth!”

Now, we’re not saying that Trump definitely is doing this just for marketing and profits. But he does have a history of doing ridiculous things for profits, and remember him promoting hydroxychloroquine? He might have a little financial stake for doing so.

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