Unsung Heroes: Scoot Employees Had Volunteered to Fly to Wuhan to Bring Back S’poreans

In the midst of the Wuhan virus pandemic where the death toll and the number of confirmed cases keep on increasing day by day, it is no wonder that travel bans would be in place, especially in Wuhan where it all started.

As a result of this, Singaporeans who had travelled to Wuhan were stuck there with no way to come home, that is until Scoot came into the picture.

Volunteered Despite The Risks

Knowing that Singaporeans were stranded in a place where the novel coronavirus was rampantly spreading, the Scoot management team knew that they needed to act fast.

Image: Facebook (Ng Chee Meng)

They released a notice asking for volunteers who were willing to fly to Wuhan Tianhe International Airport and bring Singaporeans back, and to their surprise, they got back more volunteers than what was required.

How many of us would willingly sacrifice and risk our lives to save others, knowing full well that we could lose our lives too?

The crew was later assembled and included pilots Captain Ian and Captain Derek. Armed with the necessary knowledge to protect themselves and a surgical face mask, they prepared to embark on their round trip from Singapore to Wuhan.

Image: Facebook (Ng Chee Meng)

Unsung Heroes

A Minister of the Prime Minister’s Office and Secretary-General of the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) Ng Chee Meng had the chance to meet with the crew before they flew off.

Image: Facebook (Ng Chee Meng)

In a Facebook post by Mr Ng, he shared what he talked about with the crew, where he was told by the captains that appropriate safety measures were in place to ensure the safety of both the crew and the Singaporean passengers. He commended them for their efforts in putting their lives out there just to bring our fellow Singaporeans back. He also thanked them for taking the initiative to serve them without any hesitation.

Image: Facebook (Ng Chee Meng)

According to his post, the Scoot team and the Singaporeans arrived safely back in Singapore yesterday morning.

It is so heartwarming to know that these people would do anything to help others. Kudos to all those who actually went the extra mile to ensure the safety of others, and thank you to those who willingly fight the Wuhan virus on the frontline. You guys are really our unsung heroes!

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