Updated Highway Code: PMD & PMA Usage NOT Allowed On Roads For Safety Of Riders & Road Users

Those who have taken their bike license or driver’s license would be familiar with the Highway Code because it is expected that you know these rules before you sit for your Basic and Final Theory Tests.

Image: Carousell (armeemarket)

For those who are not familiar with it, the Highway Code is essentially a book detailing all the traffic rules of Singapore, telling you what you can and cannot do on the road to ensure the safety of all road users.

PMD & PMA Usage Not Allowed On Roads

It has recently been announced that on 1 December, an updated version of the Highway Code will be released and this time, it will be written in black-and-white that Personal Mobility Devices (PMD) and Personal Mobility Aids (PMA) will not be allowed on the roads.

This is following the news of the ban of PMDs on footpaths.

The police emphasised in a media release on Friday, 15 November, that this is to ensure the safety of not just the riders themselves, but also other road users.

Image: Facebook (Kurt Guo)

While there are people who ride responsibly, there are others who show utter disregard for the safety of themselves and others by riding recklessly. They end up causing accidents, some even proving to be fatal.

As of now, because of the ban of PMDs on footpaths and the fact that they’re not allowed to travel on roads as well, they will only be allowed to be used on cycling paths and park connector networks (PCN).

Hopefully with this ban, we will see fewer accidents related to them.

I remember a time where the only thing Goody Feed seemed to write about was PMD crashes.

Image: Giphy

Guidance On How To Give Way To Emergency Vehicles

Besides the emphasis on the PMD and PMA usage, the updated Highway Code is also said to include a guide on how to give way to emergency vehicles.

According to the guidelines as discussed by TODAYonline, once an emergency vehicle has its sirens on or has flashing lights, be it whether it’s a motor vehicle used for medical, fire-rescue, military, police or custom purposes, you are expected to do the following:

  • Stay calm and check the direction of the oncoming emergency vehicle;
  • Give way by signalling early and try to filter to the left if it is safe to do so;
  • If it is not safe to filter to the left, slow down and let the emergency vehicle overtake you
  • Do not speed up or block an overtaking emergency vehicle, or try to overtake or tailgate an emergency vehicle;
  • Do not break the law just to give way to the emergency vehicle (e.g driving through a red light)

The police commented that in times of emergencies, every second counts and that road users should do their part and give way to emergency vehicles as the few seconds saved could help in saving lives.

I’m sure if you ever have to encounter such an emergency where either you or your loved one is in danger, you would also hope that other users will give way to you, right? So treat others the same way you want to be treated.

The Highway Code will also include an advisory that pedestrians should avoid using their mobile phones while crossing the road.

With all that said, we hope that everyone will follow the traffic rules so that Singapore becomes a safer place for all.

I mean, the rules exist for a reason, right?

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