We all feel the same way – having to see food establishments everywhere with crossed out tables and barren chairs stacked upon each other was truly a sad sight.
Thankfully, with the easing of the Heightened Alert restrictions, the nation’s restaurants and hawker centres alike are opening their doors once again.
Mostly to completely fully vaccinated people only, however – just a simple trade-off for getting to dine-in once again during this pandemic.
It’s not going to be easy to fool anyone of your vaccination status so they can let you in, though.
Must Be Fully Vaccinated To Dine-In
Starting 10 Aug, Singaporeans everywhere rejoiced at the thought of getting to dine-in once again – that is, if they have been vaccinated.
Since there are still quite a number of people skeptical about taking the vaccine, known as anti-vaxxers, how will one know if they have truly been vaccinated or not?
One must wait for two weeks after the administration of their second dose of the vaccine in order to be considered fully vaccinated, according to Ministry of Health (MOH) guidelines.
What staff need to do at F&B outlets currently is to check whether a diner’s TraceTogether app shows that they have been fully vaccinated, as shown on the home page.
If their status has been verified, only then can they dine into restaurants and food courts, in groups of up to five people.
However, one shouldn’t ever underestimate the lengths that some people may go to to act like they have been vaccinated when they actually have not.
It won’t hurt to be too cautious, especially when the COVID-19 pandemic continues spreading as strong as ever.
TraceTogether’s New Refresh Button
Popular radio DJ duo Muttons have taken to their Twitter page to share a piece of advice to those working in the F&B business.
They wrote that it was a possibility that some anti-vaxxers might just be showing screenshots of a TraceTogether home page to show staff that they have been vaccinated, when it was far from the truth.
However, there’s now a new refresh button feature on the TraceTogether app, which causes the vaccination and test status banners to load once again.

It’s located right beside the test status banner.
The Muttons advised for F&B staff to ask diners to press the refresh button to see if anything happens on screen.
If nothing moves on screen, they’re probably just showing you a screenshot to try and “pull a fast one.”
Well, if you’re shameless enough to still lie about your vaccination status just so you can stop dabao-ing food… now you know you can’t.
Possible Exposure Alert Also Removed
This new refresh button update comes after the removal of the Possible Exposure Alert feature on the TraceTogether app as well.
As the app tracks your location through Bluetooth and knows which people you happen to be at the same place and same time at, it will be able to tell you if you had been exposed to a confirmed case.
However, in consideration of the confusion caused after some establishments have barred people from entering if they have a Possible Exposure Alert, it was removed.
To know more about TraceTogether, watch this video to the end:

Read Also:
- The Reason Why the Possible Exposure Alert in TraceTogether is Now Removed
- 10 Facts About the TraceTogether Token, Including Different Designs That Look Slick
Featured Image: Twitter (@muttons)