US Singer Praises PM Lee’s Interview in CNN; Impressed with How PM Lee Speaks the Truth

The COVID-19 outbreak has been handled differently in each country.

Some countries have resorted to draconian measures such as placing their population on lockdown.

P.S. Did you know that almost 1/3 of the world’s population is going through a lockdown?

While other countries, such as Singapore, have only imposed strict safe distancing measures thus far.

We must be doing something right because an American singer has stepped forward to praise Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong for doing “everything that needed to be done to be ready for this virus”.

US Singer Praises PM Lee’s Interview in CNN; Impressed with How PM Lee Speaks the Truth

American singer Barbra Streisand, 77, has praised PM Lee for speaking “common sense” and doing “everything that needed to be done to be ready for this virus”.

According to The Straits Times, she might’ve been referring to PM Lee’s interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria on Sunday.

In response to it, Steisand tweeted, “The Prime Minister of Singapore (a country that only has three deaths out of six million people) speaks such common sense. He tells people the truth.”

During the interview, PM Lee had asked that the United States and China (which have been involved in a squabble with each other over the coronavirus outbreak) work together to fight the coronavirus pandemic.

Thus far, the tweet has garnered as many as 1.3k retweets and 4.5k likes.

Many have even likened PM Lee’s efforts to that of the efforts of New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.

Streisand has had an entertainment career that has spanned six decades and has been awarded multiple awards including two Academy Awards, 10 Grammy Awards and five Emmy Awards.

Throughout the pandemic, she has been regularly tweeting about US President Donald Trump’s actions in handling the outbreak in North America.

Not The Only Praise Singapore Has Gotten

But that’s not the only praise that Singapore has received. Singapore’s efforts to combat the coronavirus has also been praised by foreign authorities such as the World Health Organisation,

That being said, PM Lee remains humble and said in the CNN interview that he was hesitant to call the Republic a “success story“.

He also added that he does not see the pandemic going away in a few months.

The Situation In Singapore

There are a total of 35 new cases in Singapore as of 30 March, out of which 9 are imported.

These imported cases have been to regions such as Europe, North America, South America, the Middle East and ASEAN.

3 new clusters have been found in Singapore. The first is Hero’s, a bar in Circular Road that’s now closed until 30 April 2020 due to the new measures.

The second is a dormitory at Punggol with 4 confirmed cases, in which 2 were reported today.

The last is a serviced apartment (think of it as a long-term hotel) at Wilby Road, in which 7 cases are linked to it.

Singapore now has a total of 879 confirmed cases.

228 patients have fully recovered and are discharged, while 19 are still in ICU. 3 have passed away due to complications due to the COVID-19.

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