I’m sure those who have pets will never want their lil furballs getting hurt for whatever reason. We love them with all our hearts and pray that they have a long and healthy life with us. It really hurts when you see your furball sick and you’re stuck with not many options to help them. At this time, you’re probably worrying about the Wuhan virus and trying your best not to get infected, but here’s another thing to add to your worries. While you may think that the Wuhan virus will only infect us, humans, you’re wrong.

Mammals, Like Dogs & Cats, Can Be Infected Too

According to expert epidemiologist and physician Li Lanjuan, who also happens to be a member of China’s high-level National Health Commission, the novel coronavirus can be transmitted not only between humans but also between mammals in general. This would thus include most domesticated animals, especially dogs and cats.

She added during an interview with Chinese-run state media channel CCTV that pets that come into contact with the coronavirus and patients outside should be immediately isolated and monitored, so owners should pay more attention to their pets and strengthen their management of them.
No Reported Cases Yet
As of 28 January 2020, the World Health Organisation (WHO) mentioned that it is still unknown whether the Wuhan coronavirus “has any impact on the health of animals and no particular event has been reported in any species”.
There are also no reported cases of pets having contracted the coronavirus.
Despite this, it is still important for pet owners to take note of this possibility and to keep your furballs at home temporarily until the entire thing dies down. You should also try not to bring them out too much for outdoor activities unless necessary so as to prevent them from actually contracting the disease.
So while you protect yourself against the virus, make sure you do your pets a favour and protect them too!