When Singaporeans are looking for a cheap and relaxing place to go to for a vacation, Bangkok is usually one of the places that come to mind.
And recently, Thailand caused a lot of confusion for Singaporeans looking to travel there.
First, it was said that those travelling to Thailand would have to self-quarantine in their places of residences for at least two weeks, and this sent many people, especially Singaporeans, crazy.
Then, they said there’s no need to.
Now, there’s one important change people visiting Thailand has to know.
Don’t worry, it’s not about self-quarantine this time.
Travellers Arriving in Thailand Has To Supply Contact Details
All visitors entering their country have to declare their personal and contact details at the immigration from 12 March onwards.
This was decided after an urgent meeting held yesterday, 10 March, and it involved ministers, immigration and the Department of Disease Control (DDC).
The declaration of your contact details can be done two ways, either via an immigration form that will be provided at the checkpoints or through an app that will be released tomorrow.

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What kind of info will I have to provide?
Well, you will have to list down your mobile phone numbers and email addresses along with your personal information.
So how do I use the app?
You can download and use the app as long as you have roaming on your own SIM card, or if you purchase a prepaid SIM card with unlimited mobile data from the airport.
This is extremely crucial because the main reason why the Thai government is implementing this in the first place is to facilitate easy contact in the case of an emergency.
How do the officers know that I’ve already submitted my data through the app?
Don’t worry, the officers at the checkpoints will check if the data is complete before letting you through.
So if you’re intending to go to Thailand, you might want to adhere to their requirements, because anyone who chooses not to declare their contact details will be denied entry into Thailand.
How Long Will They Keep My Contact Details For?
If you’re worried about how long they will keep your contact details for, you don’t have to.
Digital Economy and Society Minister Buddhipongse Punnakanta said that the information will only be used if there is an emergency.
According to The Bangkok Post, he ask for people not to think of this as a “tracking system”.
“The state will track them only when critical situations arise, when they need to be monitored to handle the outbreak.”
He also reassured everyone that the government isn’t intending to keep the data for long, and will only store it in their system for 14 days upon the traveller’s arrival in Thailand.
Having A Working SIM Card
Everyone always has this thought that something bad will never ever happen to themselves.
After all, thinking that it may just jinx it.
But still, we cannot be complacent and just assume that that is the case. We still have to take the necessary precautions to ensure that we are safe and that we do not endanger the lives of others either.
If you’re intending to travel to Thailand, make sure you enable roaming on your Singapore SIM card or purchase a prepaid SIM card with unlimited mobile data at the airport.
It is important for you to remain contactable by the Thai authorities so that they can reach you if there are any emergencies.
Other Countries’ Measures
Although it seems that other countries have not imposed such a measure to obtain the contact details of their visitors, they do have other measures like conducting temperature checks and health screenings by nurses on-hand.
Singapore has also introduced our newly developed COVID-19 test kits in an attempt to detect the presence and the severity of the infection in visitors arriving in Singapore.
Perhaps other countries can also take a look at what Thailand is doing and if it works, they can also implement such a measure so that it will make contact tracing even easier.
Being Socially Responsible
Whatever it is, while the authorities are trying their best to impose measures to curb the spread of the COVID-19 infection, we also need to play a part.
After all, it takes two hands to clap.
So do your part and be socially responsible. We already have enough examples of people behaving irresponsibly.
Don’t be one of them.