Watch: Cat Saves Crawling Baby From Falling Down Stairs By Pulling It With Its Paws

Cats are smart. I can attest to this since as previous articles have already implied, Goody Feed writers are cats.

Sometimes we refer to our colleagues as dumb, but those are the humans.

You can probably tell, but cats are a clearly superior species and look after their human slaves share a symbiotic relationship with hoomans. Hoomans present to us food and shelter. In return, they get to bask in our glorious presence and get the honour of doing menial tasks like cleaning up our fur.

That’s not how a symbiotic relationship works? You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about.

Other than writing articles, our intelligence doesn’t stop us from using apps like Tinder.

Image: Reddit (u/Fuzziepikkle)

But I digress.

What I’m driving at is, hoomans are pretty important for cats, but sometimes they do the dumb-dumb and we have to protect them so our source of free food and shelter doesn’t perish.

Like This Pawticular Cat Saving A Hooman Baby

It’s not clear where the original source for the video was from, but a version can be found on Facebook uploaded on 3 Nov 2019 by Mauricio Tunjano.

A fine feline can be seen looking over a hooman pup, which probably can’t be more than a year old. Instead of worshipping after a small handshake, the hooman pup had the audacity to crawl away.

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But it’s okay, for benevolent beings like us can furgive small acts of insolence from such young ones.

But the hooman pup then seemingly decided to… walk towards the stairs?! For context, here’s the stairs:

Image: ChinaPress

The human pup lacked the knowledge that only blessed life forms that have nine lives, but that didn’t stop it from moving.

Geez, how did this species survive natural selection? Sigh… I remember the time I brought gifts of dead fowl to some of these hoomans, but they only look horrified and refused to learn how to hunt.

Fools. Do they really know nothing about how food works?

Good on our furriend down here for looking over his pawsession though! Hooman stupidity can’t escape our watchful eyes. With an elegant, agile, and swift move, he grabbed the human pup from crawling to a catastrophe.

And then pushed the pup back to discourage it from moving forward again.

The Exquisite Feline

Now that you understand how cats are the superior species, here’s the feline in all his glory:

Image: ChinaPress

Yes… yes… speak more good words of cats. Praise us.

Image: Imgflip

Worship us.

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