Watch: Dog Happily Eats Food Given To Him By Stranger; Ends Up Being Poisoned & Dies Instead

Once again, we have another dog story, but it isn’t one of those lighthearted ones where it’s similar to the baby koala climbing onto a dog’s back after mistaking it for its mother.

Nope, this is much worse.

A CCTV footage has been circulating on Facebook and it shows a stranger throwing food out of his car window for a Golden Retriever to eat.

The food turns out to be poison and the footage shows the painful death of the poor dog.

What Happened

The Golden Retriever is said to have been owned by an elderly lady in Jiangsu, China for the past ten years.

It’s like any other day and the dog is sitting outside of what we assume to be the owner’s house. A black car rolls up, winds down their window and proceeds to throw something out of the window.

Image: Facebook (野新吹水站)

Thinking that the heavens have answered his prayer for more food, the dog sniffs the food and munches on whatever the odd stranger has given him. The stranger watches this scene unfold in front of him before slowly driving away.

The dog remains on the front porch and all of a sudden, he can be seen swaying from side to side as he tries to keep his balance on his four paws.

Image: Facebook (野新吹水站)

In just a matter of a few seconds, the dog collapses to the ground and no matter how hard he tries, he can’t get up again.

After a while, the dog lays on his side because he no longer has the strength to sit up, but he still manages to push himself to keep his head up.

And then, the suffering continues.

He starts to shake uncontrollably and you can see that he’s trying his best to breathe but it’s difficult for him because of the alleged poison that he was given.

Image: Facebook (野新吹水站)

After moments of struggling, all is silent as the dog continues to lay on his side, unmoving.

Three minutes was all it took for the stranger to kill the dog.

Image: Giphy

Why Would Anyone Do This?

It is unclear as to why the stranger poisoned the dog. How could anyone possibly do something so cruel?

I cried so much when my dog passed due to old age and health reasons. I can’t even imagine what the owner is going to feel when she finds out that someone actually did this to cause the premature death of her beloved dog.

It is also not known whether they found the stranger who fed her dog poison.

Image: Giphy

The Golden Retriever may just be a dog, but to his owner, he is her family. A life is still a life, and I sincerely hope that the perpetrator will be found and justice can be served.

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