I sometimes wonder how people can be so cruel to animals. They’re living and breathing creatures, just like us.
Plus, research has proven that dogs are sentient and are “emotional beings that require nurturing and respect”.
That did not stop these Malaysian dog catchers from abusing this poor stray doggo.
M’sian Dog Catchers Caught Kicking & Abusing Stray Doggo That Was Already Caught In A Net
Seremban Municipal Council dogcatchers were caught red-handed abusing a poor stray dog, and it was all recorded in a video.

The video was first uploaded onto a Seremban Facebook group to warn residents to ensure the safety of their pet dogs, just in case they accidentally escape and fall into the wrong hands.
In the video, it is clear that the dog catchers had already caught the dog, which was trapped in a net. However, they still kicked and hit the dog which was defenceless and trapped in the net.
The dog can be seen struggling in the net.

In these screengrabs from the video, you first see the man on the left kicking the poor dog.

He then slams his hand down on it.

Why is there a need to senselessly abuse this poor animal who is already trapped and caught and probably feeling very frightened?
According to World Of Buzz, a member from the Seremban Municipal Council, Ho Weng Wah clarified that a dogcatcher is required to follow the rules and regulations. Bullying the animals is not allowed. And I’m pretty sure kicking the dog isn’t one of the rules.
He also said that during the dog-catching process, a municipal council officer should always be present. However, in the video it does not look like the officer was present.
Lodge A Police Report
It’s understandably hard to manage their employees since they’re required to go out on their own to do their jobs.
However, he says that those who spot an animal being abused by someone should record a video and lodge a police report.
Makes sense, doesn’t it? Of course, if you are capable of stopping the act of violence then bonus points. I’m sure this applies in Singapore as well.
We really hope that the dogcatcher will be punished for his actions.
You can watch the full video here: