Humans disagree on almost everything.
Some enjoy eating meat, others feel it’s cruel to do so.
Some enjoy pineapples on pizza, and others feel like those who do should be executed.
But everyone and I mean EVERYONE, likes cute animal videos. If you don’t, I’d suggest seeing a doctor about that black stone in your chest where a heart should be.
These videos can cheer us up on our darkest days, if only for a few minutes. And if they involve pandas, well then your life will finally feel complete.
Watch: Panda Mother Cutely Cradles Her Cub To Sleep By Wiggling Her Tummy
A video was recently uploaded on Daily Mail, showing a panda mother putting its cub to sleep.
It did not read it a bedtime story or tuck it into bed like us boring humans. No, it put it to sleep by placing it on its tummy and wiggling it.

I’ll give you some time to go Aww.
According to the Daily Mail, the mother panda is Cheng Da, an eight-year-old mother panda in China.
In the video, Cheng Da rocks her baby to sleep on her jiggling stomach. As you can see, it’s working. The cub, Cheng Feng, dozes off to her mother’s steady rhythm.
Cheng Da even placed one of her legs between the bars for support so she could cradle her baby while relaxing.

Look cub, no hands!