Watch: School Students Filmed Jumping Rope At Expert Level With 16382618 Ropes

Always prided yourself on your unrivaled mastery of the rope?

Constantly thought yourself the best there never was?

All ready to break out some loops in front of your crush?

Image: Crossrope

Well, don’t do it just yet.

Because somewhere in this world, someone has just attempted the impossible.


Image: Twitter (anatadts)

So that 30-rep feat you’re so innately proud of?

It’s gonna look like this in comparison:

Image: Tenor

Watch: School Students Filmed Jumping Rope At Expert Level With 16382618 Ropes

You would think that jumping successively over 3 ropes would be a feat in itself. But no, they had to take it further. In a video shared by one Anata on Twitter, a lone warrior could be seen jumping successively over not ten ropes, not twenty…

But 16382618 ropes (just an interpretative figure, no idea just how many ropes there are here).

Image: Twitter (anatadts)

Moving rhythmically with the centre point of each rope overlapping one another, the rope holders managed to create a spot small enough for the jumper to leap his way through.

And boy, what a sight we’re witnessing here.

Emboldened by a smooth, fast pace, the ropes created a beautiful movement that was a sight to behold. And the jumper certainly did his job well, leaping over the hourglass ensemble of ropes in rapid succession even with the

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