Ways to Preventing Motion Sickness While on a Long Bus / Car Ride

The moment your friends tell you they wanna go on a road trip around Malaysia, you start to feel sick inside.

Absolutely nothing is wrong with the country, in fact: you love the fact that everything there is delicious, vibrant and cheaper for your wallet.

The sad thing for you? The car ride.

You know it’s going to involve long hours of you being locked in the car with it moving, and it’s not really the claustrophobia that’s hitting you either.

Just the motion of the car moving and you being in it causes you to feel ill. Your stomach kick-starts and as the minutes pass by, you feel more and more like you’re going to throw up sia.

Well, there are ways to deal with it, ones that don’t involve you emptying your stomach’s contents into a paper bag and looking sickly after next to your now-concerned friends.

Buddy, I suggest you do these things instead!

First, Why You’re Getting Car Sickness (Yes, That’s What It’S Called!)

Well, to be completely honest, it’s actually motion sickness. What happens as you sit in the car, in this case, is that your brain’s getting a different set of conflicting signals from your ears and eyes.

Think of it like this. You’re looking at a book in the car, so naturally your eyes will tell you that there’s no movement around you. But your ears HEAR the movement, so it’s telling your body – no lah, got movement.

This is where the conflict happens.

Now your body, the poor guy, doesn’t know who to listen to. It starts to get paranoid and it thinks that someone is poisoning it, and it’s no.1 go-to reaction is to vomit all the poison outta your body.

So, How to Deal With It?

Look out of the window, and your signals from your ears and your eyes will match. I know, it sounds ridiculously simple, but you just need to convince your body that everything is attuned and not conflicted.

There are also other ways to deal with motion sickness.

Keep your tummy empty before you get into the car, and after too. No alcohol, that’s for sure. If there are certain food types that generally don’t work for you – dairy, gluten, etc, stay away from them too.

Sit up front, where you’d get the best view and seat too. You’ll feel more comfy and less likely to puke. Do not read, even on your phone if it triggers your car vomits.

Try and get some fresh air in between – ask your travel buddy if you can stop every hour or so for a couple of minutes just to relax.

If all of these don’t help, seek out a doctor’s consultation and if he sees that it’s a matter serious enough for medication, he will prescribe you some.

Do check if there are other forms of side effects – some drugs can make you drowsy instead!

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