Wedding Guest’s Hongbao Questioned by Couple, Stirring Conversations Online

It may be cuffing soon all year long when you reach the age when people start to settle down.

Apart from being happy for those who have found The One for the rest of their lives, you usually partake in the celebration of the marriage by giving a small gift.

Some people opt for physical presents for a new home.

Others choose to give money as a hong bao (translates to red packet, an envelope of money).

But what happens when this packet of blessings and good fortune turns sour because the bride and groom want to know who gave it?

One couple asked their guest to identify the hong bao they gave, which the guest found weird.

Of course, the internet had much to say about this when it found out.

Here is more on what happened in this interesting incident.

Wedding Guest Asked if Newlywed Couple Can Ask Who Gave the Hong Bao

Earlier this week, a netizen took to Reddit to ask if it is normal for a couple who received a hong bao for their wedding to ask the guests to identify which one they gave.

According to the Redditor, who goes by the moniker FkingPopulist, the OP attended a colleague’s wedding and gave a hong bao.

There was no name indicated on the hong bao as the OP did not have a habit of writing their name.

The newlywed couple then asked the OP the next day to identify the hong bao given. Some pictures were apparently also provided to the OP to help with the identification.

The OP said this was the “first time” encountering such a situation which appeared to the OP to be “rather rude”.

According to the OP, they are not a cheapo and did provide their portion of the banquet cost with extra thrown in.

There were, of course, many netizens who reacted to provide their thoughts on the situation.

Some netizens said that it was “rude and lame” especially if it was to “keeps scores”.


Others agreed it was not the best impression as it gives off the impression of being petty and stingy with money.


However, some netizens defended the colleague’s actions, saying that it was reasonable if the colleague wanted to gauge how much to return the favour when the OP got married.


What would you have done?

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