Wedding Guests in India Continue Eating Even When There’s a Massive Fire Raging

What do you do when you see a massive fire raging?

  • Start running
  • Stand around admiring it
  • Continue eating as though nothing’s happening

Most of us would choose option one or two, depending on the situation.

There are two men out there, however, who decided to go with option numero tres.

Wedding Guests in India Continue Eating Even When There’s a Massive Fire Raging

On 29 Nov 2021, the Indian Fire Service shared an amusing video on its Facebook page.

The video featured two men who embodies the saying Keep Calm and Carry On.

With a huge fire raging in the background, the men could be seen feasting on their wedding meal nonchalantly.

It’s not as though the men didn’t know there was a fire, either, as one of the men could be seen glancing towards the back.

He then turned back to his food and continued eating as though nothing particularly exciting is happening.

According to the Times of India, the huge fire was caused by a bursting firecracker.

While there were no reports of anyone getting hurt, it was so big that it took two hours for the fire to be put out.

Netizens’ Reactions

If you find yourself in awe of these men, know that you’re not alone.

Some felt that the men put their time to better use; after all, they can’t put out the fire anyway.

Image: Facebook (Indian Fire Service)

It’s all about priorities, as some might say.

Another one thought the food was good.

Image: Facebook (Indian Fire Service)

One was just reminded of his own experience

Image: Facebook (Indian Fire Service)

The video was incredibly well-received (we assumed) with over 68k views at the time of writing.

Fire Safety in India

Meanwhile, the city of Mumbai is also beefing up on its preparedness to fight against fires.

With the rise in the number of high-rise buildings in Mumbai, the number of fire accidents has increased as well.

This prompted the authorities to raise awareness about fiery incidents and how to avoid them.

The fire brigade even came up with Agni Rakshak, which is a volunteer program to train citizens in fire safety and response protocols.

You can watch the video below to see one such volunteer training:

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Feature Image: Facebook (Indian Fire Service)

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