Whole M’sia Family Tested Positive for Covid-19 So They Stayed Positive by Doing a TikTok Video

It’s safe to say that the world isn’t happy at the moment.

With over 660,000 infections (when the heck did it go up to over 600K cases?!) and more than 30,000 deaths from the Covid-19 virus, people are constantly on edge.

But does being anxious actually help in any way?

As this Malaysian family will show, being positive is the only way to combat the Covid-19 blues, even if you happen to have the disease.

Whole M’sia Family Tested Positive for Covid-19 So They Stayed Positive by Doing a TikTok Video

An entire family of seven in Malaysia has tested positive for the coronavirus, but they’re managing to stay cheerful.

The family is currently being quarantined at the Teluk Intan Hospital.

Image: Facebook (Gold Amy Edriena)

The father, Dr Samsu Ambia Ismail, is a specialist and the head of the emergency and trauma department at Teluk Intan Hospital.

He was the first to be infected has been isolated in the hospital for the past six days.

The mother and the five children were isolated a day later.

“We are fighting the virus with our own antibodies and hope we’ll be fine after the 14-day quarantine,” said Erika Syamim, the eldest among the five siblings.

So, how exactly are they staying positive? Well, in the most 2020 way possible.

TikTok Video

On Friday (27 March), Erika posted a TikTok video on Twitter and the internet went crazy for it.

The caption read: “Even though we’re COVID-19 positive, we as a family will go through this together. Plus, our health condition is okay. Here’s a TikTok (video) we made to entertain ourselves in the hospital.”

At the time of writing, Erika Syamim’s Twitter post has garnered over 34,000 likes and 28,100 retweets.

Here’s the video:

The video shows the five siblings posing and dancing while a rap song plays in the background.

The sweetness of the video is slightly undercut by the last line in the rap song – Her name is Jenny, b*itch don’t have no panties.

That’s not exactly a song I’d dance with my brother to, but hey, to each their own.

According to CNA, many netizens sent words of encouragement and prayers in response to the post and said they hoped the family would recover soon.

When asked by one commenter about their symptoms, Erika said her father had a fever, cough, and breathing difficulties while the rest of them just had a fever.

Let’s hope that this cheerful family manages to recover from the illness so they can all return home soon and make more TikTok videos.

Chosen to Trial New Drug

As you know, Malaysia recently extended its lockdown to 14 April 2020 because the number of coronavirus cases in the country continued to rise.

They currently have a total of 2,320 infections with 27 deaths.

320 people have recovered from the illness so far.

According to The Star, Malaysia has been chosen by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as one of the countries to run trials on the effectiveness of a drug called Remdesivir to treat Covid-19 patients.

This is part of a large global trial organized by the World Health Organisation (WHO) called Solidarity.


It said Malaysia was chosen due to the ability of the Health Ministry to undertake the research.

In the meantime, if you’re stuck at home with nothing to do, you know what to do now.

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