Woman Forced Her Maid to Punch Herself 50 Times So She Could ‘Remember The Pain’ Better

Here’s the question of the century: does inflicting pain on yourself make you remember the pain even more?

I don’t want to know the answer, but a 40-year-old woman seems to think so.

Meet Mdm Mun Sau Yeng, a woman who abused her foreign domestic worker so much, you’d wonder if she does see her as a human.

Woman Forced Her Maid to Punch Herself 50 Times So She Could ‘Remember The Pain’ Better

The domestic worker started to work for Mun in April 2018.

And after two months, the abuse started.

Firstly, she used the floor nozzle of a vacuum cleaner to hit the domestic worker’s shoulder.

Secondly, she hit the domestic worker’s head.

It got more serious after that when the domestic worker had a can of sardine for lunch when it was meant to be for her dinner.

Triggered that the domestic worker had taken her dinner as lunch, she initially punched the worker’s face twice.

But that wasn’t enough; to make the worker “remember the pain” better, she told the victim to punch herself 50 times on her own cheek instead.

Bring in the WTF cat, please.

Image: mrwgifs.com

Of course the domestic worker was hesitant, but eventually complied with Mun’s request. She punched herself 50 times until her cheeks were swelled and bruised, and Mun regretted, took her to a clinic and they lived happily ever after.

No, I kid you.

Instead, Mun told the victim to hide her injuries so that her husband won’t see them.

You’d think that that’d have conferred Mun with the “Worst Employer of the Century” trophy, but no, she did more than that.

Wanted Victim’s Teeth to Drop

Last February, when Mun saw fingerprints on the kitchen window, she instructed the victim to clean it. When that wasn’t done (or not done properly), Mun hulkified to abuse mode again.

She specifically said, “I want your teeth drop one.”

Just so you know, not everyone whose English grammar is baddy is abusive.

For some reason, the victim was so scared that she offered money instead. But Mun wanted nothing but “teeth drop one.”

And as usual, she didn’t abuse the victim herself (initially): instead, she told the victim to pull down her lips and punch her own teeth.

Please bring in the cat again.

Image: mrwgifs.com

No teeth dropped and Mun apologised and they lived happily ever after.

No, I kid you again.

Instead, Mun told the victim to use a meat pounder to strike her teeth instead.

Here’s how a meat pounder looks like:

Image: Amazon

The victim complied and hit her teeth 50 times with it.

No teeth drop one, but the victim could feel that three of her lower teeth had loosened.


Mun apologised—no, I kid you once again.

Mun took the meat pounder and struck the victim’s teeth herself.

That caused teeth drop one, and Mun asked the victim to throw the tooth away.

I know you feel like you’re reading a Nicolas Sparks’ romance novel, but read on because it gets even worse.

Four days later, Mun found dust at her home. Triggered again, she punched the victim’s mouths about times until she bred.


That was when the victim buay tahan: a week later, she called the Centre for Domestic Employees to seek help for physical abuse, and a woman from the centre called the police.

Mun Suffered from “Serious Psychiatric Problems”

According to Mun’s defence lawyer, Mun suffers from depression and OCD which could have led her to lose control. In addition, Mun claimed to hear a voice telling her to hit the victim.

She had been depressed for two years and was “determined” to live just for her children.

In addition, she had an unhealthy obsession with cleanliness: she would spend five hours a day to clean her house.

Although she had started medication last May and had responded well to it, she had a breakdown after she realised she was charged and was sent to IMH.

But the prosecutor claimed that there was no objective evidence about that “voice”.

Mun had admitted to one charge of voluntarily causing hurt by dangerous means and two charges of voluntarily causing hurt, and sentencing would be made in May.

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