Jogging. One of my favourite pastimes to indulge in. And for good reason too. It burns calories; it helps you to destress; you get to eye candy fellow joggers.
What more can you ask for, pray tell me?

And yet, every time I jog, I have this incessant fear:
What if a car crashes into me while I jog mindlessly?

Sure, you might denounce this worry in all of its entirety, asking something like “Are you alright? What are the chances of that happening, really?” or perhaps “Stop finding excuses and just go run already you lazy son of a piglet.” And yet, I could never let go of this torrid fear of mine.
What if it really happens? What if?
And today, my worst fears came true. But no, I’m not typing this from the comfort of a hospital bed, my knee ligament sticking out like a sore thumb. Instead, I’m typing this from the raw comfort of my office, as I chronicle the tale of a woman who had been jogging casually…
And, for lack of a better phrase, kena hit by a car.

Well, that escalated quickly.
Woman Gets Knocked Down By Reckless Driver While Jogging By The Roadside; Suffers Injuries To Face & Arm
Bumper cars might be fun.
But real cars bumping each is definitely not, especially when one party’s all flesh and zero metal.
According to World Of Buzz, a woman had gone jogging by the side of a public road in Batam, Indonesia.

Now, this is admittedly kinda dangerous, and might even get you thinking “OF COURSE SHE KENA KNOCK DOWN LA SHE THINK THIS IS WHAT, HER GRANDFATHER’S ROAD AH?” But before you start raging and spitting spit at your phone/computer screen, I implore you; hear me out.
So for starters, running by the side of a public road isn’t exactly unconventional in most South-East Asian countries. And to be fair, the traffic does look pretty barren.
And for seconds, the oncoming car doesn’t come from her way of traffic. It doesn’t even come from the other side of the road.
It came from her left, right through a road divider.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, an out-of-control SUV just drove at full speed, leapt onto the road divider and slammed into the woman.
Now if I wasn’t so unnecessarily realistic, I would think that the entire scene’s an actual deleted footage from the Korean drama Vagabond.

Faceplanted By A Wild SUV
Following the impact, the SUV crashes to a complete stop against a tree, while the woman lays on her face, unconscious, in the middle of the road. Despite what happened, however, the driver and passenger of the crashed car could only stare at her body, seemingly clueless on what to do.

Thereafter, passing pedestrians noticed the accident and decided to shift the victim into a car, possibly to send her to a hospital. Before you express your kudos to these hard-working individuals of the society and grant them a “Worthy Civilian Lv.100” medal, however, please note that you should never attempt to move accident victims from their spot until emergency services arrive, as you may incite further injury.

You can watch the entire ordeal here. Do take note, however, that it’s of a discretionary nature.
According to a separate video posted by another Facebook user, the victim’s revealed to have suffered from multiple injuries and was allegedly bleeding profusely when she was sent to the hospital. She reportedly also complained of pain in her arm.
Thus far, her condition remains unknown.

We hope that the woman will recover from her injuries soon and that proper investigations will be conducted and the necessary compensation granted. Also, to all the joggers who like to run by the side of an ’empty’ public road…
You’ve been warned, so do so at your own risk, alright?