Woman in S’pore Rushed to A&E After Consuming Ivermectin to ‘Purge Out’ COVID-19 & COVID-19 Vaccine

You may have heard of ivermectin. But if you haven’t, here’s a rough summary of the drug: It’s utilised to treat parasite infestations in humans, but can also be used to treat animals in larger quantities.

For the record, the “animals” in question include horses.

Yeah, it doesn’t sound like the best self-prescriptive drug out there, if you get the gist.

And yet despite this spine-chilling revelation in tow, some Singaporeans mass-ordered ivermectin on the basis that it supposedly cures Covid-19.

As the saying goes: “When in doubt, anything goes.”

Woman in S’pore Rushed to A&E After Consuming Ivermectin to ‘Purge Out’ COVID-19 & COVID-19 Vaccine

Unfortunately, one woman’s attempt to use ivermectin ended badly. Really badly.

Just yesterday (3 October 2021), Facebook user Vanessa Koh Wan Ling detailed a “horror” account on the social media platform, wherein her mother actually landed in hospital after consuming ivermectin.

But unlike most instances, it wasn’t exactly a decision of her own undertaking.

Apparently, Koh’s mother had met two individuals in a church: Clara Ng and Judy Koh. They were, from the looks of it, rather religious in nature.

For starters, they convinced the Facebook user’s mother that mRNA was against their religion, and that if it was necessary, Jesus would have reached out to them personally. For the record, Pfizer and Moderna contain mRNA.

Also, they were hesitant in regards to the second jab, even for a vaccine that was initially “approved” by them.

“Upon knowing my mom got signed up for Sinopharm by me,” the user wrote. “It was also a taboo and they will not go Heaven by the time they take the 2nd jab.”

As for the reason why Koh’s mother had turned to ivermectin? Apparently, Clara Ng and Judy Koh believed that ivermectin would “purge out” the vaccine, as well as COVID-19.

Things, however, evidently did not work out as well as the pair thought.

Koh’s mother was eventually hospitalised after she had to contend with the following after-effects:

  • Dizziness
  • Vomiting/Nausea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Severe joint pain
  • Tiredness
  • Inability to walk and stand

It also led to Koh’s post: a distinct warning to the public about such drug usage.

“To all of you out there who feel that you know better than the doctors because of google, DON’T,” she wrote. “There is nothing more disrespectful than trying to do someone else’s profession, when you are severely unqualified – and that applies for not just Judy, Clara but also shamefully, my mom.”

“Discuss with your family, no matter how you feel your good friends are better because they are more pious. Because sitting outside the A&E was not Judy Koh or Clara Ng. It was Vanessa Koh. Because sitting outside at the taxi stand hospital is not Judy Koh or Clara Ng. It was Vincent Koh. Because sitting at the admission counter paying for the bill is not Judy Koh or Clara Ng. It was Vanessa Koh.

“Do not let the Judy-s and Clara-s in your life overlook the people that truly matters.”

You can view the full Facebook post down below:

To date, the post has garnered over 640 shares, as well as 845 likes & reactions.

Most Netizens have also wished Koh’s mother a speedy recovery, though some also slammed Judy Koh and Clara Ng for their actions.

“Let them take the ivermectin,” one Netizen wrote. “They can explain themselves to Jesus in a very short while.”

According to The Straits Times, she has taken four 3mg tablets of ivermectin over two days.


Despite the fact that it can be used to treat large animals, prospective ivermectin users are convinced because of the drug’s history: it has apparently been available for human use since 1981.

It doesn’t help that the drug has been touted as a “miracle cure” in other countries either.

Avid supporters of ivermectin have also accused major vaccine makers such as Moderna and Pfizer of downplaying the effects of the “miracle cure”, in a bid to make a fortune from their own vaccines.

However, it should be noted that the drug is primarily intended to cure parasitic infections such as head lice and worm infections.

If it’s taken with other medicines, consumers are advised to notify their doctors.

For the record, overdosing on ivermectin could cause the following symptoms:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Hypotension (low blood pressure)
  • Allergic reactions
  • Seizures
  • Coma

And in the worst-case scenario, it could also lead to death, a notion that Brazil has had to contend with.

Meanwhile, the Health Sciences Authority (HSA) here has warned that it will take stern action against those who sell and supply it in an illegal manner.

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Featured Image: Facebook (Vanessa Koh Wan Ling)

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