The Wuhan Virus, a variation of a Coronavirus, is many things: highly infectious, scary af, a real trigger for travel bans and an all-around cough inducer. And yet, there’s one trait about it that most people (including me) seemed to have slept on:
A molestation deterrent.
Yes, folks, it’s proven;
The Wuhan Virus has proven so intimidating, that the mere mention of it is enough to make a lecherous robber turn on his tail.
Robbery Turned Sex Crime
According to Oriental Daily, a 25-year-old man who lives in Pingba Township, Chongqing, China, ran away from home after getting into an argument with his family. Having been penniless at the time, he decided to commit robbery and infiltrated the house of a woman residing in the same area.
When he entered the house, the woman was reportedly asleep; she promptly woke up and yelled, however, when he went into her bedroom.
The man immediately held her neck and covered her mouth to stifle her screams. He then tried to molest her.
Woman Scared Robber Away by Coughing & Claiming She Was from Wuhan
It was then that the woman faked a cough, and allegedly informed the man:
“I just came back from Wuhan and I already have symptoms of an infection. So I stayed home and isolated myself.”
And the rest, as they say, was history.
Frightened, the man abandoned all attempts of satisfying his feral urges and turned to his primary objective in mind: robbery. Snatching the woman’s mobile phone from her bedside table, as well as some 80 yuan (S$15.60) from her wallet, he proceeded to flee the scene.
But It’s To No Avail, As He Finds Out Soon After
According to the same report, the woman filed a police report about the incident, and the police instantly launched an investigation. As the suspect was equipped with a mask during the incident, he could only be traced through his body type and accent.
But it proved enough, as the police eventually managed to track down the suspect.

The man proceeded to surrender voluntarily (while accompanied by his parents), and was subsequently placed under administrative detention.
Wuhan Virus
While the Coronavirus has been represented in a rather ‘flattering’ light, especially in regards to this incident, the fact remains that the Wuhan Virus is a very dangerous pathogen, and has claimed the lives of more than 400 in China.
As such, do remember to practice good personal hygiene standards, and constantly wash your hands with soap. Though if there’s any respite…
It would be that the Wuhan Virus’ a good excuse to have if you’re under threat. Pretty sure it works universally, for that matter.