Woman Who Spat KFC Staff Identified & Arrested by Police for Public Nuisance

You’d have known about the angriest woman in Singapore when a video of an auntie spitting at a KFC staff went extremely viral.

In the video, it wasn’t known what set her off but from the words she was shouting at the KFC staff, it might have something to do with having to “wait”.

Here’s a transcript of what she shouted:

Nobody will scared.

Don’t let people wait like that.

Wait for you to die *points threateningly at staff*

Wait for your whole family to die.

Pui. Pui.

A spokesperson for KFC confirmed that there was an incident between a customer and a staff manager at its NEX outlet.

KFC has lodged a police report over the incident and the staff is now off-duty and resting at home.

The outlet has also been cleaned and sanitised after the incident, KFC assures, and asks that customers remember to keep safe distancing measures when coming out to get their meals.

And now, the police have responded.

Woman Who Spat KFC Staff Identified & Arrested by Police for Public Nuisance

The angriest human being in the world, a 42-year-old woman, has apparently being arrested yesterday—two days after she had the most expensive KFC meal ever.

The police said that she was arrested for creating a public nuisance, and they are also “looking at possible breaches of Covid-19 circuit breaker measures committed by the woman.”

Investigations show that she has indeed been triggered and got into an argument with a member of the service staff at the outlet when she was told to wait for her order.

I guess her time is always more precious.

When police officers arrived at the scene, she has already left.

However, officers from the Ang Mo Kio Police Division managed to establish her identity and subsequently arrested her on Friday.

That’s some high-level detective skill man, given that the video isn’t clear.

The police added, “The police take a serious view of such egregious and irresponsible behaviour, especially in the current Covid-19 situation.”

For public nuisance, she could be fined up to $2,000.

However, if the offender knew that the act would cause or would probably cause injury to others, the person could be jailed for up to three months and fined up to $2,000.

And as for breaking the Circuit Breaker rules, don’t just think that it’d be 3 X $300 fine as she broke three rules: standing too close to another person, not wearing a mask properly and erm, spitting.

The first offence is a composition fine of $300, the second is $1,000 and no chance for the third offence le: she might be taken to court, and technically speaking, she could be fined up to $10,000 or jailed up to six months.

All these punishments just because the finger-lickin’ good chicken takes too long to be ready?

Totally not worth it.


And by the way, do you know that because linking finger would spread the coronavirus, KFC in the UK is removing all ads that show people licking their fingers?

You learn one new thing from Goody Feed every day.

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