Woman Who Was Raped in Pioneer Industrial Area Was Bleeding in a Trance-Like State When She Was Found

More details have been revealed about the woman who was raped in an industrial area in Pioneer, and it turns out she was lying on the ground for five hours before getting help.

Here’s what happened.

Victim Found Lying In Own Blood For Five Hours Before a Passer-by Found Her

The woman was allegedly assaulted and raped by two men Ahmed Rayhan, 30, and Alam Foysal, 36.

According to court documents, both men are Bangladeshi. Both of them were charged with raping the woman under the Tuas viaduct, which is situated along Pioneer Road, on 8 March.

The victim was assaulted between 12:30am to 2:20am. However, the police only received a call for assistance at 7:25am, which means the woman was lying on the ground for five hours before help was called.

This was probably due to the scene of the crime being in the middle of nowhere, and also due to the incident taking place in the wee hours of the morning.

Shin Min Daily News reported that it was a 31-year-old migrant worker, Saddam, who passed by the victim on the way to work. He said that the victim’s head and legs, as well as the ground around her, were covered in and stained by blood.

Victim Conscious, But Was In A Trance-Like State

When Saddam asked the victim what happened, she repeatedly said she didn’t know, but asked for some water to drink. Saddam described the victim to be in a trance-like state.

The victim was also struggling to stand up, gave up, and sat back down after a few attempts. Even so, the victim was only able to be seated with the help of a passer-by.

Saddam also said that another Chinese migrant worker who walked past had tried to offer assistance. When he saw that the victim was very weak, he called the ambulance right away.

The scene also caught the attention of other migrant workers, who ran to Pioneer MRT station to ask more people for help.

Saddam said he left the scene after giving the victim water to drink, as he was rushing for work. But more people had arrived to watch over and waited with the victim for the ambulance.

The police arrived five minutes later, and the victim was conveyed to the hospital conscious. The police found that she had sustained several injuries on her head and body after they arrived at the scene.

“She was conveyed conscious to the hospital. Upon medical examination, her injuries suggested that she might have been sexually assaulted,” the police explained.

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Arrested and Charged

After a police report was lodged, both men were identified and arrested within 12 hours. They were charged on 10 March, and will return to court on 17 March.

Both Rayhan and Foysal were tracked down by the Criminal Investigation Department, Police Intelligence Department, Public Transport Security Command and Jurong Police Division through extensive ground inquiries as well as footage from police cameras and closed-circuit television cameras (CCTVs).

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Featured Image: Shin Min Daily News and Google Maps (Riad Mahmud Rocky)

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