We’ve always been told that humans are the most rational animal.
Animals do horrific things to each other because they lack one thing that humans have: empathy.
Even in stressful situations, you can always count on humans to be calm and act rationally.
That’s why when this man from Wuhan was told that the medicine he wanted wasn’t available, he very rationally coughed on both medical staff and- wait, what?
Wuhan Man Purposely Coughed at Medical Staff ‘Coz They Don’t Have The Medicine He Needed
If you’re a bat reading this, I’m going to assume that you do not know two things:
1) That there is a deadly Wuhan virus that has infected thousands and claimed over a hundred lives and threatens to become a pandemic
2) That you may have caused it
But since a classy site like Goody Feed only appeals to the most sophisticated of all the species (humans and cats) you’re probably a human and already know about it.
At the time of writing, the contagious coronavirus has infected over 7,700 people and claimed 170 lives.
And because it originated in Wuhan, most of the people who have the disease are from there.
So, when a man from Wuhan deliberately coughed at medical staff, people lost their minds.
According to Sina, the incident happened on 27 January, at the Xiaogan Maternal and Children’s Health Care Hospital in Hubei.
The man, who is from Wuhan, had gone to the hospital because he was having a fever and wanted to buy medicine that was prescribed by the doctor.
CCTV footage of the incident shows the man and a female companion talking to medical staff in the hospital.
The man was dressed in black and the woman in red. Both of them were wearing masks while talking to the staff.

Everything seems fine and dandy at first, but after handing a piece of paper to the medical staff, the man inexplicably removes his mask, puts his head under the glass divider, and starts coughing at the staff.

Shocked, the two staff members both quickly jumped from their tables and moved away from the petulant man.
But why? Why would he do such a thing?
No Medicine
According to World of Buzz, the man coughed on the two staff members after he was told that they did not have the medicine he wanted.

Yes, the two women were wearing masks, but getting coughed on still increases your chances of contracting that person’s illness.
Fortunately for the two staff members, the man reportedly did not have the Wuhan virus; just the common cold and a fever. The hospital staff were tested and the room where the man had coughed in was disinfected as well.
The staff said they later lodged a police report and that the authorities have contacted the man.
At such a time of distress, when a possible pandemic is sweeping across the world, we need to live up to our title of “The Most Rational Animal”. Not just because it makes it look better than cats, but because it could save our lives as well as the lives of others.