Back in the days when circuit breaker was a box in our house, the authorities engaged many safe-distancing ambassadors to ensure that we keep a one-metre distance away from each other. Soon, these ambassadors’ job scope changed as they now had to tell people not to makan at a hawker centre.
But with the authorities promising tens of thousands of new jobs during the Fortitude Budget, having even more safe-distancing ambassadors would mean that they’d be the problem they’ve been engaged to solve.
So here comes a new position: Digital Ambassador.
You Can Now Apply as a Digital Ambassador & Earn Up to $3,450 a Month
If you’re reading this, you probably qualify to be a digital ambassador.
While safe-distancing ambassadors lengthen the distance between people, a digital ambassador is to shorten the distance between technology and people.
A day after the Fortitude Budget was announced, a steady stream of job vacancies started to flood online job platforms with the new position.
According to a description by a recruitment agency, your job scope is to “provide guidance to the seniors & hawkers on usage of these tools safely, securely, and with peace of mind. You will coach the seniors & hawkers (to adopt e-payment) and guide them through their digital learning journey.”
But why? Why suddenly need digital ambassadors?
You see, one of the points mentioned during the Fortitude Budget is the Digital Resilience Support Package.
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The goal of this package is to “support to enterprises seeking to uplift their digital capabilities to adapt to safe management practices after the circuit breaker period.” In other words, make businesses more high-tech.
For a start, the focus would be on two sectors: F&B and retail.
Businesses in these sectors can get a bonus of up to $10,000 if they transform their business into a…erm, high-tech business.
For example, if you own a small shop selling clothes, and have always hated technology, you might not even accept NETS in your shop. All your bookkeeping is done with a real book and you depend solely on your physical cash register to determine whether you’ve made a profit or loss that day.
You can get $10,000 if you transform your business in these areas:
- Incorporate PayNow so people can pay with their phone
- Accounting and inventory management to be done with a software (e.g. MYOB)
- Sell online as well
- Use data to run or improve the operations (e.g. automate the buying of your clothes by leveraging on what sells well based on the data that you got from this system)
(Do note that we simplify everything; for a more detailed read, click here)
The last point is rather chim but even if you just fulfil the first three points, you can get $5,000.
But someone needs to be there to turn you from a Donald Trump to a Mark Zuckerberg, so that’s when the digital ambassadors bridge the gap.
According to the same job listing, the responsibilities of a digital ambassador are as follow:
- Engage seniors to equip them with basic digital skills through 1:1 engagement, or small group settings OR hawkers to guide them to adopt e-payment for their business.
- Ensure accurate and prompt follow though of administration work linked to each engagement.
- Follow up actions, where applicable for various engagement(s).
Interestingly enough, the requirements don’t require you to have a PhD in Computing; in fact, there doesn’t seem to be any minimum educational qualifications, but you need to be patient. Probably because these IT skill are easily learnable by people who’ve been using swiping on Instagram for millions of years.
And I know. Thank God you don’t need to be a Google Analytics expert to earn that sweet $3,000, eh?
There are many job listings online, but I’d suggest you to Google for them.
(Here’s another example: a senior might not even understand what “Google for them” means!)
Now, do note that we said it’s up to $3,450 because we want to clickbait you in; last I checked, the monthly pay ranges from $1,600 to $3,450.
So unless you’re indeed a Google Analytics expert who even knows how to use Google Analytics 360, the pay should be around $2,000.
And as to whether there are enough slots available?
Just look at this:

As long as you’re a Singaporean, it’s indeed very hard to claim that you can’t find a job.