In the face of a worsening Covid-19 pandemic, the Singapore government has implemented stricter safe distancing measures here.
Everything About S’pore’s New Measures That’ll Close Many Places From 26 Mar, 11:59pm
By the way, they’re not just suggesting these measures; they’re telling you to do it.
If not, you’ll be jailed and lose out on a lot of money, money that you can’t afford to lose in this economic recession.
New Rules Mean You Could Be Jailed for Not Keeping a 1-m Safe Distance While Sitting or Queueing
And one of their new measures includes telling malls and shops to limit the number of customers within their premises at any point in time.
Malls & Shops in S’pore Now Have a Limit on How Many People Can Be In at One Time
Which is why, if you’re looking to go to Jurong Point today, be prepared to see this.
Jurong Point Checkpoint
Yes, you heard that right, a checkpoint at JP, not JB.
On 27 Mar 2020, Jurong Point took to their Facebook page to inform customers about limiting customers at the mall’s various entry points.

In short, you can no longer anyhowly enter Jurong Point liao.
Many Entry Points Closed
If you’re a familiar visitor to this iconic neighbourhood shopping mall, you’d know that this mall has a few entrances that people can access.
Note: The bus interchange is considered separate from the shopping mall, which is why the opening between the bus interchange and the mall is considered an entrance.
Level 1:
- Old Chang Kee Entrance
- Prata Wala Entrance
- Entrance beside Innisfree
- Entrance beside Bossini
- Old Jurong Point building entrance (beside BATA)
- Entrance beside Dollar Exchange
- Entrance beside QQ Rice
- The entrance beside 157 bus berth
Level 2:
- Overhead bridge entrance
- Escalator from bus interchange to the mall
Yup, in the event of a fire, this mall will probably be the easiest to evacuate. Unfortunately, because of Covid-19, most of the entry points are closed.
The only entry points left available are:
- Old Jurong Point building entrance (beside BATA)
- Entrance beside Dollar Exchange
- Entrance beside QQ Rice
- Old Chang Kee Entrance
- Entrance beside Innisfree
Here, you can see the maps provided by Jurong Point for yourself below:

Checkpoints Will Be Placed At ‘Open’ Entrances
Checkpoints have been set up at the entrances that are open for access by shoppers.

Signs are also placed prominently at the entrances to guide shoppers or visitors on where to go, reducing crowding.
And if you’re wondering why there are queue barricades set up

It’s because they have to limit the number of shoppers within the mall at any point in time.
As for how they calculate the number, the number of customers allowed inside at any time is dependent on the approved gross floor area (GFA) of a shopping centre’s retail component.
Well, one thing for sure, it’s pretty assuring to see that malls and businesses are trying to play their part in ending Covid-19 as soon as possible, eh?
Some Gyms in S’pore Are Closing Despite Them Not Affected By New Measures
By the way, this one no need passport.