Have you ever had ingrown nails? It is painful to walk with it, whenever you put pressure on the swollen part of the skin.
If you have had before, you would understand that pain that I’ve just described.
Ingrown toenails usually occur when the edges of your nails grow into the skin next to the nail. Out of all the toes, your big toe is most likely to get an ingrown toenail.
Sorry, big one. You gotta take one for the team.
What Causes Ingrown Toenails?
Ingrown toenails are more common in people with sweaty feet, such as teenagers. Or NSF who’s looking to be OOC-ed from their courses. Older people may also be at higher risk as toenails tend to thicken with age.
There are many things that can cause an ingrown toenail. This includes cutting toenails incorrectly, footwear that places a lot of pressure on the big toes, toenail injury, poor posture, improper food hygiene, and even genetic predisposition.
Certain sports increases the risk of getting ingrown toenails as well.
Activities such as ballet, football, kickboxing and soccer mean that a person has to repeatedly kick an object or put pressure on the feet for long periods of time.
Ingrown toenails can be painful in the early stages. However, if it gets infected, later on, the swollen skin might start bleeding, or an overgrowth of skin might form around the toe.
Prevention is better than cure, so let’s move on to methods on how you should be cutting your toenails to prevent ingrown nails.
The Best Way To Cut Toenails
Firstly, use the appropriate tool for nail cutting. Nail clippers or manicure scissors should be used, not regular scissors or knives that aren’t specifically designed for cutting nails.
Secondly, it is important to cut frequently. Most people’s toenails grow about two millimetres a month, so it is good to cut them every six to eight weeks. However, if you are an athlete, do trim them more often for comfort.
Thirdly, it is better to cut toenails when they are dry. This makes them less likely to bend or tear when you cut, hence you will get a cleaner cut. On the other hand, if you have super, super thick toenails, cutting them wet will be easier for you.
Fourth, your toenails should not be cut too short, as it can heighten your risk for ingrown toenails. Nonetheless, if you leave your toenails too long, they are more likely to get caught on something and tear. So it is best to maintain them at a length of about one to two millimetres.
Cut Your Nails Straight Across, NOT Into A Curved Shape

Here comes the cutting part! To avoid painful ingrown toenails, do cut your toenails straight across.
If you cut your toenails into a curved shape, the nails might grow into your skin instead. Hence, it is important to cut it straight across the nail.
Lastly, remember to file your nails straight with an emery board to smooth any jagged edges that could potentially tear your nail as it grows. This is to prevent a smooth growth so that ingrown toenails will not take place. Some nail clippers have the board on the handle.
Cutting your toenails may seem like an easy task. However, many of us have been doing it wrong for years, which might increase our risk of getting an ingrown nail.
So remember to follow these steps and take extra care of your toenails, they will surely thank you later!