Singapore hawkers aren’t the only ones giving away free food since they can’t make money anyway.
In Germany, a brewery gave away 2,600 litres of beer on 7 May 2020.
German Brewery Gives Away Beer for Free Since All Bars Are Closed

Owners of a Willinger brewery, in the western state of Hesse, find themselves in a situation where they are not allowed to sell or deliver their beers to restaurants and hotels.
Since they couldn’t sell the beer anyway, they decided to simply give it away for free.
Yes, all 2,600 litres of dark and light beer.
They had initially only wanted to give away 540 litres of beer but the amount disappeared in a few hours.
Dozens turned up in droves to enjoy the free beer but they all wore masks and kept to social distancing measures.

The owners said that they want to empty the tanks in preparation for when bars are allowed to open again to fill in fresh beer.
Many took away buckets and crates from the brewery and the owners are thankful for their support.
They added, we hope patrons will continue to show their support after they reopen.
Meanwhile in Singapore
Hawkers have found their revenue dip by as much as 80%.
This didn’t stop some F&B owners from trying to do their part for Singapore.
Like this Beng Who Cooks food stall whose owner wouldn’t quit because of his promise to provide food to people who really need it.
This Chicken Rice stall owner at who is now selling his chicken rice at 1/5th of the original price at 90 cents and providing free food for the elderly.
As well as the chef-owner of mod French patisserie and salon Antoinette who famously said:
Honestly, I am not sure if we will survive this situation…”
“But if my business is going to die, I want to go out in a blaze of glory!”
While the Covid-19 pandemic has totally changed the way we work and live, but at least it has shown that Singaporeans, unlike our cold and unfriendly reputation, are in fact warm, empathetic people who can come together when it’s crunch time.