With the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in full swing, you’d think that individuals and companies will understand how important it is to adhere to the measures put into place to curb the spread of the outbreak.
How wrong we are because unfortunately, some people (and companies) just don’t care and thankfully, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) isn’t about to let them get away with it.
10 More Employees Breached LOA; 1 of Them Even Went to Casino During LOA
The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) is making it clear that they will take action against those who breach the leave-of-absence (LOA) requirements.
Another 10 work-pass holders have been suspended, along with the privileges of nine other employers after they failed to adhere to the leave-of-absence (LOA) requirements between 10 February and 24 February.

Out of the 10 work-pass holders who have breached the rules, 6 have had their passes revoked.
Out of the six, one foreign worker has been permanently banned from employment after he visited a casino while he was supposed to be observing LOA.
Yes, a casino. Lest you’re not aware, there is no entry fee for foreigners to local casinos.
This one literally gambled with his job.
Their employers’ work-pass privileges have since been suspended for two whole years.
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They’re not the first ones to breach the requirement ever since it was implemented.
In total, 14 work-pass holders and 15 employers have been penalised by MOM.
Workers Who Didn’t Respond To Calls By MOM Had Their Work Passes Revoked Too
Three other workers who were not contactable by calls from the MOM also had their work passes revoked.
Aside to that, MOM also revoked the work passes of the two employers for failing to make sure that their workers were contactable during the LOA period.
On the other hand, those who did not get their passes revoked were given stern warnings to let them know that MOM means business.
That’s because some of them were forced by their companies to work despite the LOA or SHN order.
MOM has also been conducting regular checks through physical inspections and telephone and video calls to make sure that work-pass holders on compulsory LOA adhere to the requirements.
It is a strong reminder that the company and employee both have the responsibility to ensure that the employee adheres to the rules.