S’porean CSI-ed & Slammed for Conducting Christian Worship Session in Plane

Passengers on board an easyJet plane were given a unique in-flight entertainment when a Singaporean man decided to conduct a Christian worship session on the flight to Germany.

Unfortunately, not all of them left the plane feeling quite blessed.

Went Viral Online

The initiator, Jonathan Neo, could be seen standing along the plane aisle strumming his guitar while singing out loud in videos posted online.

A group of other passengers were also seen standing up and singing along with Neo.

A 20-second video posted on Twitter last Saturday (16 Apr) has garnered a whopping 30.5 million views since.

Had Asked for Permission Prior

Neo clarified in an Instagram reel that he had asked for permission from the cabin crew if he could worship on the plane.

The cabin crew had then asked the pilot who gave the go-ahead and even introduced him over the microphone.

However, it seems not all the passengers were too happy about the mid-flight performance.

A man in a blue and green plaid shirt sitting nearby did not seem amused while some around him had no qualms at all, recording videos on their phones as they sang along.

Social Media Accounts Dug Up

A TikTok user who was deeply upset by Neo’s actions even made the effort to search up all of his social media accounts before posting it in his TikTok rant.

He also added that Neo’s actions were “inappropriate and honestly scary”.

Through his social media accounts, Neo had also been identified as an alumnus of Anglo-Chinese School (Independent) and a former member of the Republic of Singapore Air Force.

Mixed Online Response

The responses from netizens were no different from the passengers on the flight, with some voicing support for Neo while others aired angry comments.

In response to the TikTok rant video, users commented saying they would “demand compensation after that flight”.

Another user said that even if the performance had not been religious, it was still inappropriate to disrupt the flight for all the other passengers.

On the other hand, a Twitter user wrote that perhaps having that worship on the plane was “totally uncool and inconsiderate”.

“But doxing the guy is not the right response either. Your tweet was polite, but the pile-on will be awful. He’ll be emboldened by the righteous fight, but what about those he tagged?” the user posted.

Another user wrote that impromptu performances like this happen all the time on long flights for him, citing previous experiences with the cast of the lion king, a military singing group and a barbershop quartet.

He added that it could be annoying at times but it was not a crime especially if they received permission from the pilot.

Since the online flaming, Neo has deleted his social media accounts.

Featured Image: Twitter (Fifty Shades of Whey)

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