German Tourist Cleans Up Tioman Beach During Her 1-Week Holiday Instead of Relaxing

When you’re going on vacation, what’s the first thing on your mind?

Probably to just relax and do fun things like go on an adventure or shop or eat or even chill at a beach, right?

I’m sure for most of us, doing chores like cleaning up and picking up trash would be on the bottom of our to-do-list. I mean, I’m going on a vacation, not going for Corrective Work Order (CWO), right?

Well, for this German lady, vacation has a whole other meaning to her.

Voluntarily Cleans Up Tioman Beach

A German lady went to Tioman Island for a one-week vacation, and just like anyone who is there, she was dressed in summer wear, a maroon romper and a pair of flip flops ready for a beach day. But instead of doing typical touristy things like suntanning on the beach or swimming in the sea, she did something else.

Image: Facebook (Ong Peng Hong)

With a trash bag in one hand, she went around the beach picking up trash. In fact, she was seen cleaning the beach the entire week she was there!

Image: Facebook (Ong Peng Hong)

Talk about dedication, man.

A man by the name of Mr Ong saw what she did and decided to share her contributions on Facebook.

His post translates to: “This awesome German tourist came to Tioman Island for a one-week vacation and voluntarily picked up the trash on the beach every day. I’m really touched!

Keeping Our Environment Clean

Image: Facebook (Ong Peng Hong)

The tourist voluntarily spent her time and effort to clean the beach and make it a slightly more enjoyable place for everyone. It must have been really difficult too, considering the fact that there was a lot of litter on the beach and she was the only one cleaning.

Image: Facebook (Ong Peng Hong)

Seeing as to how she’s doing her part for the environment, it reminds us that we should do our part too.

It is important for us not to litter at all and always clean up after ourselves to make sure that nothing is left behind. Otherwise, the trash will pollute the sea and will kill the marine creatures when they mistake it for food and eat it.

While it is borderline creepy that he took photos of her from afar when she was picking up trash, it’s nice that he gave her the recognition that she deserves for being so civic-minded.

So let’s all do our part and keep our environment, our earth, clean.

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