Selfish People Are Scolding Newspaper Delivery Vendor For Not Putting Newspapers on Doorstep

While most non-essential businesses have closed its offices and allowed workers to stay safe while working from home, not everyone is quite as lucky.

Some still have to travel out and about due to the nature of their jobs, and a good example are those in the newspaper delivery industry.

Unfortunately, it seems like not everyone can be kind and understanding amidst these trying times.

Selfish People Are Scolding Newspaper Delivery Vendor For Not Putting Newspapers on Doorstep

A Facebook user has taken to the social media platform to share her dad’s experience in the newspaper vendor industry.

She explains how many foreign workers have been quarantined and aren’t allowed to work. Thus, many have been unable to receive their newspapers on their doorstep.

Those who were expecting newspapers were then asked to open their letterbox flaps so that the newspapers can be delivered into their mailboxes.

Unfortunately, many still did not heed the instructions and failed to unlock their letterboxes.

Hence, some did not receive their newspapers.

Demanded That Her Father Return To Deliver The Newspaper

Some of these disgruntled individuals then called her father to insist that he had to turn back to put the newspaper at their doorsteps since their mailboxes weren’t unlocked.

One even told her father, “then 你们就少赚这一天的钱lor” which translates to “You will make no money for this day”.

Image: Giphy

She also points out that they have to deliver the papers rain or shine and wake up “in the wee hours in the morning” to deliver the newspapers.

The least that customers can do is be appreciative and kind.

The post said, “You may have been resting the entire night but not your newspaper vendors. They wake at wee hours and then sleep after they deliver your papers. Please be more considerate, they are your frontline workers as well, ensuring you have newspapers to read without going out to buy.”

Self Entitled

Valerie also noted that some people were self-entitled and expected others to fulfil their demands.

“Today I see how self entitled some people are. It is simply impossible to redeliver to everyone whenever you call; one calls at 7am one calls at 9am, do we just sit and wait for everyone to wake up and realise they have no papers and deliver to them? If you shop online and it was unsuccessfully delivered because no one was home to receive it, you can demand the delivery man to come back and send it to you right?”

That said, she did acknowledge that it was a paid service and suggested that they could perhaps be refunded at the end of the month since some did not receive their papers.

Here is the full post:

Netizens Responded

Netizens have since responded to the post with encouraging words.

One even asked her to thank her father on their behalf for the hard work amidst the rain and sun, and the coronavirus outbreak.

Image: Facebook (Con Amor Valerie)

Another netizen mentioned that their father is also a news vendor and agreed with everything that she said.

Image: Facebook (Con Amor Valerie)

Let’s hope that everyone can be more understanding towards others especially during the coronavirus outbreak.

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