Headless Cat Corpse Found Along Whitley Road; Cat Feeder Appeals For Witnesses

Previously, a cat was found dead after allegedly getting mauled by starving stray dogs.

And before we could get over it, another dead cat was found and this time, the scene was even more horrific.

What Happened

On 23 Apr 2020, Facebook user Susan Lee took to the social media platform to appeal for witnesses.

According to her, a feeder who had been taking care of three community cats for years found one of her cat’s bodies without its head.

The uncensored image of the cat’s body can be found on her post but just be warned, it’s extremely graphic.

Image: Facebook (Susan Lee)

The incident allegedly happened off Whitley Road.

Her post also included a picture of the cat when it was alive and well.

Image: Facebook (Susan Lee)

She says that she will make a police report and is pleading for anybody who has information to come forward.

Cat Killing Is A Crime

In Singapore, it’s a crime to kill or abuse animals.

Singapore recognises two types of animal abuse:

  • Animal Cruelty
  • Neglect of Animals

For the first category, which this incident falls under, anyone caught and found guilty can be fined up to $15,000, jailed for up to 18 months, or both.

If it’s a repeat offender, they can be fined up to $30,000, jailed up to 3 years, or both.

Other than jail time and fines, a person can also be banned from owning a pet for up to a year.

For those who managed to witness an act of animal cruelty, here are the steps that the SPCA recommends you take:

  1. Call the police at 999 immediately.
  2. Call the SPCA at 62875355 ext 9 (available 24/7).
  3. Take a video or picture of the suspect if it is safe to do so.
  4. Note any distinguishing features of the persons, or any clothing or accessories worn, or any vehicle numbers.
  5. Note the exact location the cruelty took place.
  6. Take pictures of the animal and the surrounding area. Forward all pictures and videos to the SPCA at [email protected].
  7. If the animal is dead, do not move the body.

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